Today is Fang’s mating ceremony, I am excited because it’s a turning point for both of us. Usually, humans would consider a mating ceremony something like a wedding, but in a shifter’s world a mating ceremony is deeper, soul deep.

I have attended many mating ceremonies, and every single time I wished that it would be mine. Today, Fang, his wolf and I will be bonding our very lifeline together.

Usually, a bonding ceremony is celebrated as soon as a couple mates, but because of all the trouble that has been plaguing the Wolverine MC, Fang decided that he wanted to wait in bonding with me to him until things settled a little.

Smiling, I place my hand over my still flat stomach, “your daddy is a brave wolf, a great protector and will be a loving father.” I murmur.

Yesterday when I told Fang about the baby, I could see the concern in his features, his concern for the unknown. It’s amazing to me how someone so sure of himself in combat, in his day to day can be so unsure when it comes to the knowledge that he is going to become a father.

He let me sleep the day away, only coming to awaken me when the doctor that he wanted to call last night came to see me. I smile remembering his expression of disgruntlement last night when he realized that he was naked, and wanting to call a doctor after midnight.

Fang grunts at my statement as he guides me down the corridor towards where the doctor must be waiting. “It’s true,” I murmur just as he opens the door to the room.

“Well, hello,” the lady doctor says as I walk in, a big smile on her face. “It looks like this wolf has been busy,”

“Hi Doc.” Fang greets as he places his hand on my lower back guiding me into the chair. “I need you to make sure that my mate is fine.” I shake my head at his protectiveness as the doctor laughs.

“She will be fine,” the doctor says as she approaches. “So young lady, why don’t we see how far along you are?”

“Well, umm, I’m not sure if I am really pregnant.” I confess, “I think I am.” The doctor smiles, her eyes gentle as she nods in understanding. She must be in her early sixties; I am sure that at her age she has seen many pregnancies.

“You should trust your instinct,” she says with a wink as she prepares to examine me. “How long since your last period?” At her question I hear Fang grunt. Looking up at him I grin as I see how uncomfortable he seems, but to his credit he continues standing next to my chair listening to everything the doctor has to say, until she confirms that in fact, I am carrying his child.

When the doctor finally leaves, I see Fang visibly relax. “You still don’t like doctors much, do you?” I ask.

“It’s fine,” he mutters, guiding me towards the bar area where everyone is waiting for us so that we can make our way out to where the mating ceremony is going to take place.

“So, what did the doctor say?” Dixon asks the minute we walk into the bar. I look up at Fang to see a grin split across his face.

“Yes’s” Hunter shouts when he sees Fang’s grin, “I’m not going to be the only father here.” Dakota shakes her head in amusement as she smacks his arm.

After the congratulations it’s time for us to make our way out to start the celebration. It still amazes me how happy everyone is for me and Fang, and how close I have become to everyone in such a short space of time.

I feel like I really have a family now, like I really belong in a pack that wants me, that cares about me, and doesn’t care that I’m not a shifter.

“Are you feeling, okay?” Fang asks as we head into the trees.

“Don’t start!” I warn as I look up at him.

“What?” he asks in a surprised tone.

“You all made Dakota’s life a living hell by being overprotective, you do that with me, and I will tie you to the bed and only let you out when this child is born.” I threaten.

“Mmm, promise?” he asks with a raised brow.

I am about to answer when Frost walks past, grunting in annoyance which has me grinning. In the last couple of months since being here, I have come to know everyone, including Frost, and even though he isn’t much of a talker, he’s a presence that is hard to miss.

Frost has this air about him that keeps people away, but I have a feeling that he is a very lonely soul, and that his moodiness is a wall to protect himself. I can see his eyes when he thinks no one is looking, I would go as far as to say that he has a real soft heart, but keeps it locked away.

“Just think Frost, you can babysit.” Onyx says from behind us, which has the men grin. “They will call you uncle Frosty,” Onyx has taken it upon herself to try and crack Frost’s wall. She always says that she will one day make him smile, her continuous teasing will one day bear fruit, or so she thinks.

As usual Frost ignores her comments and continues making his way towards the glade where the ceremony is going to take place.

Coming upon the glade I see that a fire has been set up in the middle, King and Dash are standing there waiting for us. “You took your time, I thought I would have to come up and get you.” Dash teases as we come to a stop near them.

“We were all waiting for the doctor to leave.” Alaska says as she walks up to Dash and slides her arms around his waist. “Fang is going to be a daddy.” Dash grins as he looks over at Fang.