Fuck, nothing is going to be okay! I race through the forest, my heart pounding as I think of all the dangers, all the things that could happen to Myst. For now, Skull and the two men that aren’t accounted for aren’t a problem, but once they come back into the picture which I’m sure they will, as they will want revenge for what we did, then they will be another threat.

The serial killer that is targeting us is our biggest threat, we don’t know who it is, or when he will attack. It looks like he’s always one step ahead. I spent the day yesterday going through everything with Celmund so that they could maybe find something which we haven’t.

The Elementals are our only hope at the moment, otherwise we will be sitting here waiting for the sick motherfucker to make a mistake so we can find out who it is, and that could take a long time.

Today they are leaving to go back home, but first they have gone to the different sites where the bodies were left to see if they could find any evidence of who it might be. Now, more than ever, I need to make sure that we catch who it is, because I cannot have my woman frightened that something might happen to her or any of the other women from our club.

Yesterday when I thought that the killer had targeted Sam, I felt defeated, felt like nothing we do is ever good enough, because he always finds a way of getting around what we put in place. Yes, the fact that Sam was alone when the killer captured and killed her roommate, a clear message telling us that the only reason she wasn’t killed is because he is playing a cat and mouse game with us.

After the police questioned Flint, they told us who had been killed, and that there was a message written in the girl’s blood on the door of the two girls' room. He showed us a photograph of the message that read.

‘Wolf, I run but you don’t catch me. I howl, but you don’t listen, it was really close this time, maybe next time It won’t be!’

On the top of the message, it said WMC, which would be us, but whoever it is knows that we are shifters, knows that we could find him if he didn’t mask his smell. The question is how anyone would know that we are shifters when there is nothing that we do that would point to us. It is confusing.

Celmund alluded to it being someone we know, someone close to us, but I can’t get my head around that, and nearly went to blows because of it. But the more I think about it the more it makes sense. It has me thinking about everything that has ever happened with any of the men, but as each thought pops into my mind they leave just as quickly, there is no way that I can imagine one of our own doing something as sick.

Racing towards the outer border of the property I pick up the Elementals sent. Making my way there I stop when I see them looking at the area where the killer was seen once. Shifting back into my human form, I face Draco, Burkhart, Celmund, Caelius and King.

“Fang” King greets me as I walk towards them.

“Damn dude, can’t you cover yourself” Burkhart quips, “your lily-white skin is going to blind my poor eyes.” Raising my hand, I show him my middle finger which has him grinning.

“Have you found anything?” My question has King shaking his head.

“We really do think that it’s someone that is close to you guys,” Caelius says as he leans against a tree.

“None of our guys would do that, they respect women too much to do that to them.” I reply, which has Caelius nod.

“What about the prospects, or the women?” Burkhart asks.

“Women can’t do that, you need strength.” King defends, “but the prospects, there are two that I wouldn’t put it past them.” I turn my head to look at King, raising a brow in question.

“Who?” I ask.

“Colburn?” he says.

“I don’t know, he’s a hot head and doesn’t listen too well, but I wouldn’t say he would do that to a woman.” I defend.

“Flint?” King asks.

“You never know what he’s up to, and he doesn’t let anyone in enough to know what he’s like.” I reply, Flint has been with us a few years, and even though we have given him various opportunities, he hasn’t given me enough confidence in him to say that he would be a good member. “But he’s a fucking shifter, I can’t believe that he would do something like that to a woman when we are bred to care for them.”

“Well for now just keep an eye open, we will look into everyone and see if there is anything that will raise a red flag.” Draco suggests. “By the way, congratulations.” His words have me tensing up.

How the fuck does he know when I haven’t said anything to anyone yet, and Myst hasn’t left the room yet, so there is no way that he would have overheard us telling anyone. Tensing, I look at him and see the knowledge of Myst’s pregnancy in his eyes.

“How do you know?” I ask.

“From the minute I met your woman I knew, but you were too relaxed to have known, now I can see in your eyes that you know.” Fuck Draco is dangerous if he can tell just by looking at us. I nod in thanks, realizing that this man before me has much more to him than what meets the eye.

“What the fuck is going on?” King asks with a scowl.

“Myst is carrying my child,” I state seeing the scowl on King's face change into an expression of surprise.

“Fuck man, you haven’t given your woman a minute of rest have you, for her to be with child so quickly.” King states with a shake of his head as he steps towards me, pulling me towards him as he pats my back and gives me a burley hug in congratulations.