“How much heat is involved in these runs?” King asks, “because at the moment we have the cop’s eyes on us twenty-four seven.”

“We have been working with this client for years, and have never had any problems, they have connections in high places.” Caelius reveals.

I see King looking around the table at us, I know that he doesn’t like to get involved in things without first making sure that there are no threats to the pack. “I will need to know exactly what is involved,” he states looking at Draco.

I can see a battle of wills going on between those two, but finally Draco nods. “Celmund will give you all the information.”

“Good” King nods.

“Who can I get information from in regard to everything that you have to date in regard to the deaths of the women.” Celmund asks.

One of the main reasons to get the Elementals help is that Celmund with time can find anything on the web if it’s there to be found. He’s a good connection to have. As the enforcer for the Wolverine, I will go through everything that we have to date on the murders and give it to Celmund as a fresh pair of eyes always helps, sometimes seeing things that we might have missed.

“I will do it” I volunteer.

“How long now since the last killing?” Burkhart asks as he sits back on his chair, crossing his arms as he looks around. I have heard that he is a demon with hand-to-hand combat, I wouldn’t mind giving him a run for his money, if nothing else he can teach me some of his techniques.

“The killings have been going on for long over three years, that we know of, but it must be much longer as the first burial site that we found had a few bodies there already.” Blue says from where he’s sitting. Blue isn’t one to get involved in the Killings as it messes up with his mind, but he will always have our back if we are out there fighting. Blue just can’t handle all the evil in the world, and how it affects the innocents. He wasn’t one to hang around when things got rough, and instead would go on the road with his band, but since meeting his mate Siena that he has finally grown roots and settled.

“Would you have men stay here to look over everything?” King asks with a frown. Having another member from an MC no matter who they are at our club for any amount of time is worrisome as we don’t like outsiders seeing what we do on our day to day no matter if they know what we are.

“No, we will stay today and leave tomorrow.” Draco replies as he inclines his head towards his men. “Therefore, everything that we need to know or see, make sure we do it today.”

“If…” King is interrupted by a knock on the door, “what?” he calls

“There has been another one.” Colburn our prospect says as he steps inside.

“Shit!” King roars

“Another what?” Caelius asks with a raised brow.

“Another fucking killing,” I mutter, not needing Colburn to spell it out.

“Where?” Hawk asks.

“She was found at the Ray of Hope home,” his words have a knot growing in my stomach as the Ray of Hope home is where Sam is getting treatment. King bangs his hand on the table as he stands, the fury abundant as he leans forward and places the palms of his hands flat on the tabletop as he looks at Colburn and asks, “Was it Sam?”

“I don’t know, they haven’t revealed the name of who the girl was yet.” Colburn replies.

“Hawk, you and Fang go and find out who it is.” Shit, I really hope it’s not Sam as she has been with us for a couple of years now and it hasn’t been easy years for her.

“Burkhart and Celmund should go with.” Draco says as he looks at his men that immediately stand.

“Who is Sam?” Celmund asks as I start making my way out of the room.

“She’s one of our girls,” I reply, not mentioning why she was at Ray of Hope, but I am sure that Celmund can easily find out if he hacks the institution's records.

“Didn’t you have a man with her?” Burkhart asks as we make our way towards our bikes.

“Yeah, a prospect was with her.” I would love to know where he is right now and why he doesn’t have more information. The same old fury because of the unnecessary killings is setting in, this asshole has once again tried to target us in a cowardly way. I wonder if this is still because of us being the ones to find his burial site, or if this is something deeper.

Ray of Hope home is on the other side of Town, but we make it there in minutes seeing that the police have already closed off the entrances and are stopping people from venturing closer. Stopping my Harley, I sit back, trying to see if I can spot Sam.

“I wonder where the fuck he put her this time.” Hawk says as he comes to stand next to my bike. Since finding his burial site, the killer has left the women in different settings. I see the inspector that is in charge of this case pulling up, when he gets out of his car, he looks towards us and shakes his head.

“Why am I not surprised to see you here?” he states as he approaches.

“One of our women was staying here, we need to know if it’s her.” I reply which has him shaking his head.