“Good of you to remind me why you need to die.” At my words he grins. Before he jumps at me, I can see it in his eyes, the glaze of pure rage. I jump out of his way easily, but kick out with my knee that knocks the breath out of him.

He growls in anger before he is turning and attacking again, this time his claws are extracted as he raises his hand to try and shear my neck, but to no avail as I step back and crouch, turning in a ninety-degree circle as I slide my leg out to trip him.

His legs come out from under him as he falls back, the thud of his body hitting the ground reverberating through the warehouse. I could easily jump him now and rip his neck out, but I want him to feel pain, feel suffering for everything he has done before he dies.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” He screams as he stands once again.

“You will try.” I reply, because from the moment I left the pack until today, I have made sure that I was in top notch shape when it was time to fight Grimm. I know that in the club I am the most ferocious of killers, but today I want to play with my prey before I go in for the kill.

When he attacks again I am prepared, and instead of knocking him to the ground, my hands circle his neck as I roar in anger pushing him against the wall of the warehouse. “You think you can come to my home and threaten my family, threaten my mate?” I ask in a quiet growl, “no one threatens those that are close to me, and lives to talk about it.”

He grabs my arms trying to pull them away from his neck, but I am determined to see life leave his eyes as I squeeze every breath out of him.

“At one stage you were my brother, then you became my nemesis, now you are nothing.” I state, he suddenly raises his hand up in the air and waves. My eyes raise to where he is looking, and I see Frost lift from behind a barrel.

“If you were waiting for him, I’m afraid he’s indisposed.” Frost says in a bored tone as he holds up one of Grimm’s men. I see the horror in Grimm’s eyes when he realizes that there will be no saving now.

His lips are starting to turn purple; his hand lowers and he starts to desperately punch at my sides to no avail. His breath is laboured as he tries to get air into his starving lungs. I slowly see the life leaving his eyes, squeezing harder until I know that he is dead.

Even like that I hold on looking at his dead eyes, wondering whatever happened to the two young boys that used to play together. What made him hate me so much that he had to die for it?

I thought that I would feel relief at his death, but deep down I feel sorrow for what could have been, and the way that it had to end. “Goodbye brother.” I whisper as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Looking up I see Frost standing behind me, he squeezes my shoulder in understanding as I finally let go of Grimm’s neck and step back letting him drop to the ground.

“Did we get everyone?” I ask, knowing that Grimm would have brought the men that were faithful to him.

“They are all dead.” Goliath confirms from the doorway.

“It’s over.” I mutter, as I look at the men that were here to fight this battle with me, the men that are my true pack, the men that will die before they let anything happen to one of their own.

“Let’s burn this fucking place down.” I state, knowing that we can’t leave any evidence of the other shifters, because if anyone does an autopsy and finds any kind of anomaly, it will be dangerous for all shifters everywhere.

Once the men are all placed in the warehouse, we make sure that the fire burns them to a crisp so that there is nothing left for them to identify them by. When it’s time to light the flame, I insist on being the one to do it.

This was my fight, therefore my responsibility to make sure that my brother and my pack meet what they deserve. I walk out of the warehouse hearing the fire start to lick its way up the walls of the dilapidated building.

When we are sure that it has burnt what we needed it to burn, we start our bikes making our way back towards the club. I am leaving my past behind and facing my future, a future that will hopefully be peaceful.