Fang was always so thoughtful with me; he was always my best friend when I was young, and now, he’s my best friend and mate. Pulling off the T-shirt, I pick up a white lacy bra and panty. He got the right size, I realize. Looking in the mirror once I’m dressed, I smile because I feel like myself again. The dress enhances my curves. My breasts are encased in the blue fabric. The bodice is tight and then flares out to just above my knees.

I want to go and show the other women what Fang got me. Slipping my feet into a pair of sandals that were also in the bag, I hurry towards the kitchen where I know the others will be, as I have found is the normal place to find them in the morning.

“Oh wow, look at you,” Alaska says as I walk in. “The dress looks absolutely great on you.”

“Did you know about this?” I ask, surprised to see her happy expression.

“Yes, but I was sworn to secrecy. Fang asked for help in getting you clothes. To be fair, he chose everything and just needed my opinion. Let me tell you, he knew exactly what he wanted to see you in.”

I blush, thinking of Fang’s hands on me, his eyes trained on me.

“It was sweet of him,” I say.

“Trust me, Myst, sweet had nothing to do with it. That man is completely obsessed with you. He wanted to make sure that you have everything you need. There are more things coming, but they could only be delivered tomorrow.”


She grins. “Yes, those are the ones that he was very particular about.” After saying that, she winks, which has me laughing at her quirkiness.

“Myst?” I glance over my shoulder at Dakota. “You are looking so beautiful. I remember when I could still use dresses like that,” she says with a frown.

“Nonsense, you're still as sexy as ever,” Alaska says as she shakes her head.

Dakota smiles as she places her hand over her protruding stomach.

“I’m teasing. I don’t mind at all,” she says with a sweet smile on her face. “I’m very happy to be carrying Hunter’s baby.”

“And I’m glad you’re the first one. I would like to see if you have a pup or a human,” Onyx says as she walks in with Siena right behind her.

“All babies are born human; they start showing traits of their wolf after six months.”

The women look at me in surprise.

“I forget that you have lived in a pack your whole life,” Siena says

“Yes, Hunter said the same thing,” Dakota confides.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Alaska states. “I feel better hearing that from Myst than from Hunter or any of the other men.”

Onyx places her arm around Alaska’s shoulders as she hugs her close. “Are you saying you're scared of giving birth to pups?” Onyx teases.

“Of course, I am, it’s all fine and well having Dash change and knowing what he is but can you really say that if you knew you were going to give birth to pups, you would be, okay?”

Onyx glances at her with a pensive look on her face before she shrugs. “It’s a good thing we don’t need to worry about that until the kid is at least six months, isn’t it?” Onyx quips.

“Does that mean that if the baby doesn’t show traits of changing by six months, that it’s fully human?” Siena asks.

“No. Sometimes a child will only show traits of its wolf when older, but usually by three years old if you’re a shifter, then you would have shown signs by then.”

“My fear is that I won’t know what to do when my child shifts,” Dakota confesses, with a concerned expression on her face.

Taking a step closer to her, I place my hand over hers. “Don’t worry about that. That’s why you have Hunter. He will show your child everything it needs to know.” My words that were meant to comfort her, seem to do the opposite.

“Oh boy, then I’m in trouble because Hunter isn’t the patient type,” she says as she bites her lip.

“You will see that no matter when his baby is born, that lack of patience will change. I have seen some alphas that you would never imagine having patience or to be seen with a pup behind them, change when their child is born.” I stroke her hand with my thumb. “Trust me, your baby will be just fine.”

“Yes, and besides, look how many uncles he will have,” Siena says as she takes a seat at the table with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“She,” Dakota says.

“That’s what you would like. I still think it’s going to be a boy,” Siena says, winking at me. Listening to the women talk about children has me wondering how it will be when I have Fang’s child. I know that he will be a wonderful father, but what if our child or children are like me and aren’t shifters?