“Umm, we have movement,” he mumbles, looking at Fang.

“Where?” Fang asks as he drops his hand, turning towards Sabre.

“South wall.”

Fang nods, turning back towards me. He suddenly lowers his head, kissing my lips possessively before he leaves without saying anything else. I notice that Hunter and Dash have also left with him, leaving their woman, looking with concern at the door which they left, though.

“Well, so much for the cake,” Alaska says as she looks at the wall.

“I’ve never seen Fang lose his cool like that before,” Siena confesses. “I thought he was going to jump over the table and punch the wall where the cake hit.”

My gaze turns towards the wall, watching the blotches of cake and blackberry jam run down the wall.

“Maybe we can order another cake?” I suggest.

“Do you mind if it’s not black forest?” Dakota asks, “I think the look of it splattered like that all over the wall is not very appetizing.”

Her question, and the way she wrinkles her nose, suddenly has me grinning. “How about salted caramel? I like that if it gets thrown, there will be a nice caramel smell in here.”

My quip has Dakota grinning too.

“Or the red velvet,” Onyx suggests. “It will look like blood stains. I’m sure the guys would love that décor.” I shake my head in amusement at the way we have turned this tragic event into a lighter occurrence.

“Well, I better go clean it,” I state as I look at the wall and shake my head. “I need to talk to Fang about his aim.” I point towards the photo of King on the wall of him being the Wolverine MC president and notice a piece of cake that has stuck just above his upper lip, making it look like he has a bushy moustache.

The second the other women see it, they laugh at the hilarity of it.

“I think it suits him,” Siena says conspiratorially.

“Yeah, maybe with some sideburns,” Alaska suggests, which has all of us laughing uproariously as we imagine King with sideburns and a moustache.

“Sounds like we are having a party in here,” King says from the entrance to the bar. Hawk and Dixon are standing next to him looking surprised. Everyone goes suddenly quiet for a second at his amused statement, but as soon as we look at him, we start to laugh again.

I laugh so much that tears are running down my cheeks.

King shakes his head in amusement as he turns to leave, but Hawk and Dixon continue approaching us. Taking pity on them. I point towards King’s photo.

I see the men’s look of surprise, and then they too, are both grinning. Hawk shakes his head. “Good thing he didn’t see that. I don’t think he would be amused.”

“What happened?” Dixon asks as he looks around at the mess.

“Fang had a fight with a cake,” I reply straight faced, which has the other women laugh again.

“That’s not like Fang,” Hawk says. “Where is he now?”

“He just found out that the cake was sent from Grimm,” Onyx says with a shrug, “Then Sabre came to tell him that there is movement on the South wall.”

“Shit,” Dixon mutters as he starts making his way outside, followed by Hawk.

“Should we be worried?” I ask, looking at the now empty doorway.

“With all these men around? No, I think we are good,” Siena states as she inclines her head towards a chair. “Why don’t you sit down, and I will go and get the cleaning supplies. After all, you have more than enough time to exert yourself later.” Her teasing tone has my cheeks warming again in embarrassment as the women look at me with knowing looks on their faces.

“Oh, is this going to be your bonding night?” Alaska asks with a clap, then before I can answer she is turning to the other two women. “I have the perfect lingerie that she can use. It will blow Fang’s mind,” she says with a conspirator’s laugh. “I bought it a while ago, but never had a chance to use it yet. It will look perfect on her.”

“Fang won’t know what hit him,” Dakota says with a laugh.

I have never worn lingerie before, but the idea of surprising Fang and getting him excited to finally take me as his mate is something I can’t turn down.