After leaving Myst in the room, I headed outside towards the bikes to find most of the men already there. “You are staying here,” I raise a brow at Goliath as he sits on his Harley, listening to King arguing with Hunter about staying behind at the club.

Because Dakota is expecting their first child, it’s natural for King to want him to stay behind to keep Hunter near his mate, but knowing how restless Hunter is, I am not surprised to hear him arguing. When Dakota told Hunter she was expecting, he wouldn’t leave her side for days, but finally she managed to convince him that she wasn’t dying, and he reluctantly left.

I’m guessing that after six months of staying at the club, he has had enough and is now wanting to venture out. The only problem is that King would never let one of his pack go into a fight when his mate was at home with child.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I sit on my bike, starting it with a roar.

“Gunner is surrounded by fucking Hades,” Goliath updates as he pulls away, following King that is heading our group.

“Fuck,” I mutter as I rev my bike, following behind Goliath. My anger rises with every mile that passes below me. Those assholes should be obliterated from the face of the earth. We have warned them that if they attack, we will retaliate. Skull, the Hades MC president, was sweet on a woman that they kidnapped. He blames us for her getting away, but the truth is, that we only helped her get away once she had already escaped him.

Looking around, I see that only Hunter and two of our prospects have stayed behind, which has me frowning. I don’t like the fact that there are only three men to protect the women, but because I was otherwise occupied with Myst, I can’t complain at King’s decision.

Myst! I still find it unbelievable that I have a mate, and not just any mate, but Myst. I remember running after Myst, trying to make her laugh, trying to lighten her mood after her parents died. I should have known that she was mine. I should never have left without her.

After what Grimm did to her, I will find him, and I will make him pay. He purposefully hurt Myst because of her being my mate. He is a spineless coward. My hands tighten on the handlebars when I think of her beautiful blue eyes looking up at me filled with passion, her lips swollen from my kisses.

Grunting at the sudden tightness of my jeans, I shake my head in irritation. This is not the time to be thinking about my woman. Lack of concentration is what can get us killed.

As we approach an abandoned fast-food restaurant, a bullet flies past my head, barely missing my helmet. “Motherfucker,” I roar as I turn my bike on its side, putting it down as I flip around, pulling out my gun and shooting as soon as I hit the ground.

The others are also jumping off their bikes and shooting at the Hades men that are further up the road. Glancing towards the fast-food building, I notice all the bullet holes in the walls and the broken glass of the windows. So I would say that Gunner is inside.

“What the fuck was he doing out here by himself?” I roar, looking towards where Dixon is on the ground behind a boulder. As the Wolverine MC enforcer, I insist on knowing if there are any runs. To be out this way means that he was doing something and that something would have been MC business.

“He was meeting with Zurich,” King replies from where he’s crouching behind a tree. “You have been kind of busy, so I decided to leave you out of it.”

“Well, that worked out well, didn’t it?” I snap, angry that now I need to find a way to get Gunner out of there without having him killed.

Zurich is one of Skull’s men. But for money, he has been leaking information to us. Either Skull found out about him, or he crossed us, which means that I will personally kill the asshole myself.

Another bullet hits the ground just a few feet to my right, and I grunt in irritation. “We are fucking sitting ducks here.”

“I’m going to go around behind them,” King calls out. “Goliath, with me.”

“Hunter, can you see them?” I ask because Hunter is on the other side of the road in a ditch. A bush sits before him, which keeps him safe for now.

“No, there is a fucking tree in the way,” he replies from where he’s hiding. I’m going to have to shift and make a run for it. Hopefully, I will distract them long enough for King and Goliath to creep up behind them.

I pull off my boots, my jeans, and finally my T-shirt, awkwardly, in an attempt to not get my head blown off as I try not to raise my head from where I’m hiding. I sigh before I shift, feeling the same familiar pain race through my body as my bones crack and snap into my wolf form.

A minute later, I am jumping over my Harley as I race towards where I can smell the assholes. Throwing back my head, I howl in anger as I dodge a shot. “Don’t shoot at the fucking wolf, asshole, save your bullets,” I hear one of them say.

“Yeah, and what? Wait for him to come and take a bite out of me? Don’t think so!” the other replies in a sarcastic tone just as I charge towards them.

The guys that stayed behind start shooting, which tells me that King and Goliath must be in place. Now that I have distracted these two, I turn, heading towards the two that are closer to the fast-food building.

From the corner of my eye, I see King and Goliath rise up behind the two men that I was headed towards, and attack them. From behind me, I hear Hunter’s growl heading towards me.

“Where the hell did these wolves come from?” one guy says as he starts running towards his Harley. Fool, doesn’t he know that running from a wolf just makes him run after you?

When he’s about to start his bike, I jump towards him and see him raising his hand with a gun pointed directly at me. Twisting in the air, I hear the ripple of the bullet just before I bring down my paw across the side of his throat, hearing him gasp in pain.

The hand that was holding the handlebars snaps up towards his neck, trying to stem the blood flow. I take a step back, lowering my front paws as I growl, ready to finish him when King stops my attack.

“Enough,” he roars. “We are taking them in.” Why the hell are we taking these assholes back? Frost is walking towards the takeaway with his gun up.