Fang is my mate—my only one. I have always known that he was the one for me and that he was my future.

Suddenly, Fang is lifting his head, his body tensing as he turns his head towards the door just as there is a strong knock on it. “Fang, we need to go,” a man says from the other side, and then I hear footsteps moving away.

“Fuck,” Fang mutters as he stands. “Are you okay with being alone for a while?” he asks as he slides a gun that I hadn’t seen on the side table into the back of his jeans. He then picks up his kutte from the bottom of the bed and slides into it.

“Yes, I’m fine. What’s happening?” Fang looks at me, his features tense.

“Not sure, but that was Frost that knocked on the door. He is not one that would interrupt us unless it was absolutely necessary.” I can hear the concern in his voice as he suddenly takes a step towards me and leans down, kissing me hard on the lips.

“Take it easy and relax until I get back,” he says before he makes his way out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I sigh as I lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that’s happened these last few days.

After dreaming about Fang for years, I finally have him back in my life. I smile, thinking about the kiss we just shared and the way I’m feeling. I would have thought that after being hunted by Grimm, I would still be scared out of my mind, but I’m not. Instead, I’m excited for this new phase of my life.

Sighing, I place my hands flat on the bed, pulling myself up, grunting when I sit up and feel a pinch of pain. I’m starving, and I doubt anyone will think to bring me food, so I will make my way down and find the kitchen myself.

Now I just need to find something that I can wear because I have no idea what happened to the hoodie I was wearing after Dakota helped me take it off. Walking towards a set of drawers to the left of the bed, I open the first drawer to find neatly folded T-shirts.

Pulling one out, I bring it up to my nose. Unfortunately, it smells like washing detergent instead of Fang’s unique scent. I frown at my silliness as I pull it on. Then I look down at my bare feet, eyeing my boots at the end of the bed. I know that the pain on my side will be much worse if I decide to bend down to put my boots on. Shaking my head, I make my way towards the door. Opening it quietly, I peer down a long corridor and see a couple of closed doors, which leads me to believe that they are other Wolverine MC member’s rooms.

Stepping into the corridor, I shut the bedroom door behind me. I have no idea where I am going, but seeing as Fang isn’t here, I will have to find my own way around the clubhouse. I have made it a couple of steps down the corridor when a woman comes out of one of the other rooms.

“Oh,” she says in surprise when she sees me. “I didn’t think I would get to see you for a while. Are you sure you’re okay to be out and about?”

“Yes, I’m a little stiff, but otherwise I’m fine,” I reply with a little smile. “I’m Mystique, but you can call my Myst. Everyone does.”

“Oh, where are my manners, you can see I’ve been living around these guys for way too long,” she quips. “I’m Onyx, and I bet Fang doesn’t know you are out of the room?”

I grin. “Is it that obvious?”

“Maybe the lack of shoes gave you away.”

Looking down at my bare feet, I feel my cheeks warming.

“I didn’t think my side was ready for me to bend down to put my boots on.” I confess.

“Well, I think today is the perfect day to walk around barefoot. After all, if the guys can walk around naked, why can’t we walk around bare foot?”

I grin as she kicks off her sandals. I think I’m going to like Onyx.

“How do you feel about that?” Seeing my surprised expression, she elaborates. “Seeing naked men.”

“Oh, I’m fine with it. Back home, the guys were always walking around naked.”

Her eyes widen at my revelation and then she frowns. “Are you like them, are you a shifter?”

I shake my head, lifting my hand until I place it over my wound, pressing it lightly because it feels like it's pulling. “No, but my father was a shifter. Unfortunately, I take after my mother. I’m more human and can’t shift.”

“Come on, let’s find you a seat. You shouldn’t be standing for so long,” she says as she slides her arm through mine. “You know, you are the first woman I have met that has ties to shifters.”

We make our way down the corridor, turning right after we pass two doors, until we come upon a big kitchen.

“Looks like you can read my mind. I was looking for food.” My stomach chooses that moment to groan loudly, which has me blushing in embarrassment again. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten for a while.”

“Well, you just sit down here, and in no time, I will have something for you to eat.” I want to object and tell her that I will make it, but my side is starting to hurt now and I’m feeling dizzy.

“Thank you,” I murmur as I take a seat, watching Onyx as she walks towards the double door fridge on the other side of the kitchen.