“Did you think that you are the only one that knows how to get intel?” Fang asks with a raised brow.

“Well then, why would you need us?” Celmund asks, “I thought that you needed us to find someone?”

“Yeah, it’s more complicated than that.” Fang says as he inclines his head towards another three men that are standing with King, Goliath and Hawk. The other three women are all standing with them. “I’m sure King will explain everything to Draco once they stop seeing who’s got the biggest dick.”

“I heard that” King calls from where he’s standing, “and we all know it’s mine.” I see one of the men standing before Kingshaking his head. There is something deadly about that one, something which has you pausing in your stride to take a second glance, but cautious to approach.

He reminds me of a ferocious animal just waiting to pounce. “You have always been one to brag, they usually say that is because of insecurities.” The man states, he must be Draco because the timbre of authority in his voice is from someone that is used to issuing orders and having them followed without complaints.

“Wow, I didn’t ever think that grown men like you two would still have pissing competitions.” I gasp in surprise, I never thought Onyx would have the courage to confront these two men. I can see Draco turn his head to look at her. Hawk takes a step closer to her, his body tensing.

“You’re right, we are acting like children.” He suddenly says, a grin splitting across his face which has me staring at the dimples that transform his formidable handsome face into a boyish look.

“Well now that we have dispelled with the formalities,” King says, “Let’s go into Church, after all, I’m sure you are curious why I would ask for your help.” King inclines his head towards the door that leads into the Club and where they hold their meetings.

“Yeah, I thought you said you only wanted to see me when hell froze over.” Draco replies with a raised brow.

“Don’t brag, it doesn’t suit you” King growls as he starts leading the way. Burkhart, Celmund and the other two Elementals follow just before Fang leans down to kiss me possessively. He leaves me breathless, just before he follows the others.