“No, we still don’t know where Skull is, I would rather they stay at the club with the women.” My reply has him nodding just as I hear a whistle, looking towards the left I see Goliath standing by one of the doors.

Making our way towards him I frown as I see him looking around. “There are other shifters nearby,” he grunts when we come to a stop before him.

“Yeah, didn’t you sense them before now?” I ask.

“No, inside is rank with the smell of diesel.” Goliath explains.

“This is a fucking trap.” Gunner states in anger as he moves towards the wall of the building, he turns his back against the wall as he looks out towards the trees opposite us.

“Dixon is with Grimm, when I checked the building, it was empty, but I am going to give it another sweep to make sure.” Goliath says as he starts making his way back inside.

“Gunner, go with Goliath. I am going to join Dixon.” Gunner nods as he starts following Goliath. I know the men that are out there, I grew up with them, and no matter how long the distance, one never forgets the scent of family.

Whatever Grimm has planned, it won’t work. I know that they have something planned to trap us, but I know that even though they are also shifters, they will never be able to stand up to the Wolverine MC. Danger is what we are used to, what we live from day to day, they don’t.

Making my way into the empty warehouse I sense Dixon just ahead. When I am just a few feet away I see Grimm, everything comes crashing back. The anger starts to bubble like a volcano on the brink of eruption. All I can think about is what he did to Myst.

“Finally, I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to make an appearance.” Grimm says sarcastically from where he’s sitting on the chair, which Dixon has tied him up to, his hands behind his back.

“You know, this brother of yours seems a little simple in the head.” Dixon states from where he’s leaning against a metal frame, smoking. “He doesn’t seem to understand the concept that he’s tied up.”

“He has the other pack members surrounding the warehouse, he thinks that they can take us.” At my words Dixon throws his cigarette on the ground grinding it with the heel of his boot.

“Well, looks like we are all going to have some fun.” Dixon mutters as he turns to look into the darkness of the warehouse. I know that instead of his sense of smell, he is now using all his other senses to assure himself that we are still alone in the warehouse.

“Always thinking that you’re so high and mighty, aren’t you?” Grimm states, “how does it feel to be outsmarted at every turn?”

I raise my eyebrows, now that I have him in my reach, I am not going to hurry this up. It has been years that I have stewed on everything that happened, and now I can finally get my answers.

“You think you have outsmarted us?” I ask.

“I know I have.” He says with a malicious grin.

“Why have you got all this hate for me, when you were the one that should have been kicked out of the pack?” My question has him tensing, his grin slipping as he glares at me.

“Kicked out? I was hoping that you would have been killed.” I know that he hates me, but the depth of his hate still surprises me.

“Why?” I ask.

“You always thought you were better than me, always showing off. How did it feel to realize that you weren’t as good as you thought?” He shouts.

I shake my head in pity at the hate that I see has consumed him, a hate for a brother that he has always hated apparently. “How do you see that? I could have proven to them that you were the one that killed him, and then you would have been kicked out of the pack too. Instead, I chose to let you stay where you were.” My words have him trying to loosen his arms.

“Let me go, and I will show you who is better.” He growls in rage.

“Oh, don’t worry, I will, but first I want to know everything.” At my words he throws back his head and roars in rage.

“You have hurt so many people because of this hate you bare me, and all for what?” I ask in anger, “all because you are an insecure motherfucker.” I point at him, “You are so desperate to die, I will give you that, and then I will think of you no more.”

With those words I make my way towards him, I see the hate in his eyes as he watches me approaching. Moving to stand behind him I pull out my blade, I am so tempted to run my blade across his neck and get this done and over with, but then I would be just as bad as him.

Slicing the blade through the ropes I free him, taking a step back I wait as he brings his hands before him, rubbing at the wrists. My keen hearing picks up fighting from outside and I know that the men have found the others.

Grimm finally stands and then turns to face me. His appearance is very similar to mine, but if people didn’t know they wouldn’t say we are brothers. I can scent a trace of opiates on him, it tells me that he hasn’t only been trafficking the product as Myst thought, but apparently is also partaking of it.

As shifters our wolves don’t take well when being drugged. That he has been doing it willingly tells me that he has become addicted to whichever drug he is taking, and the only way of stopping him now is to kill him.

“After today you will be no more.” He gloats, “and then, I will take your woman and show her what a real man is.” To think of him anywhere near Myst has me seeing red. The motherfucker will never get a chance to be near my woman again.