Lifting my arms, I place my hands on his chest, the heat radiating from his body is high almost as if he has a fever. I lift my fingers to the deep gashes near his throat where King bit him, the gashes still bleeding slightly. Lowering his head, he places his lips near my ear, his voice low and melodious.

You are my woman, my one true mate,

My deepest desire in the darkness so late.

You lighten my sorrows; you lighten my darkest fear.

You are my woman, my one true dear.

I have traveled the world. I have searched for you.

I have traveled the world, my heart in two.

I have finally found the one and only,

I’m finally not so sad, not so lonely.

I sang to the world, my sorrows, my pain.

My songs fulfilled a space in time with no real gain.

I found my woman, my one true song.

I found my woman just where I belong.

I have never heard these lyrics before, I know that he’s singing them from the heart, he’s singing them for me and only me. I feel the tears filling my eyes, I have never felt this intense overwhelming love for anyone like I’m feeling for this man right now.

“I love you,” I whisper against his ear like he’s whispering the song in mine. We might be surrounded by the pack, but at this moment in time, it’s just the two of us. Blue makes me happy. These people that are witnesses to this very special moment in our lives, are his family and will now be mine. It’s time for me to come home, it’s time for the song in our hearts to be heard.


“It’s been eight months since you were last out on tour. Are you sure you’ll be happy just parking off at home?”

Glancing towards where Dixon is leaning against the workshop door, I shrug. “How many times must I tell you?”

Dixon has asked me this before, he seems to think that I’m lying to myself, and that soon I’ll be wanting to go on the road again. Siena is finally living here at the club, and her sister has moved into a cottage near the edge of the property because we don’t want any of the women away from where we can protect them.

Lee Ann is like a different woman; she has flourished ever since moving here. We found her a job at a bakery in town, and her and Siena go to work together in the morning. The prospects make sure that they get there safely, and they are always outside waiting for them when it’s time to come home. Siena is still adapting to working at the clinic in town, but my woman and I are happy and that is all I need to give me peace.

“Don’t know, it’s just freaky to see your sorry ass at home all the time.

“Well, get used to it, I’m not planning on going anywhere.” I smile at his frown.

It has been nearly a year now and there have been no more killings, but the fact still remains, that the serial killer was never found, therefore we stay vigilant.

“What about your fucking agent, is that resolved?”

The mere mention of Jim has me frowning, the fucker died of an overdose just two months ago. When he died, we found out that he had been gambling away the band’s money, but as the band has made more than enough throughout the years that we have been together, Jake, Joel and Kevin are more than happy to pack up their instruments and spend more quality time with their families like I will be doing now with Siena.

“Yeah, there is nothing we can do now that he is gone.” We hear a commotion coming from the bar area just as Fang charges into the workshop.

“There’s another one, let’s ride.” His words feel like a punch in the gut, he can’t mean what I’m thinking. Surely that’s all over now? But looking at him, and how livid he looks as he pulls his helmet on, I know.

“Another what?” Dixon asks as he grabs his helmet.

“Another fucking killing.”