“Great, real food,” Fang replies. “Looks like this trip wasn’t a waste after all.”

“Okay then, I really need to go. I’ll buy some things for dinner and should be home around six.”

“Don’t worry about buying anything. We will get everything for dinner. Want to go shopping?” Dixon says, looking at Lee Ann. I see her biting her lip in uncertainty, but then she nods.

“Go get what you need, and I will take you to your patient.”

It’s my turn now to frown as I look at Blue. “No, it’s fine, I have my car. Besides, after that one, I have another and another until six.”

“You said you are running late. It’s quicker to go on the bike. Besides, I don’t mind because I will be spending time with you between patients as I ride you around.”

“Thank you, but no.” I step away and this time he lets go of my arm. “But I will see you tonight for dinner.” He doesn’t say anything as I hurry inside to get my keys and haversack.Oh, Siena, what are you getting yourself into?After washing my hands, I hurry outside to see the men still sitting on their bikes talking to Lee Ann.

“Bye! See you later,” I call, mostly to my sister, but everyone answers.

Starting the car, I pull away, making my way towards Mr. Thomas’ house, only to realize that Blue is following me on his Harley. What the hell is he doing? Pulling up outside Mr. Thomas’ house, I head towards Blue before making my way inside.

“What are you doing following me?”

“You didn’t want to ride with me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to still be with you today.”

What is wrong with him?

“Fine, when I come out, I will ride with you to my next patient, but before going home tonight I have to collect my car.” I’m about to turn when he takes my hand and pulls me against his leg. He’s still sitting on his bike.

“Give me your keys. I will get someone to come collect your car and take it home.”

I sigh. “You really are pushy, aren’t you?” Placing the keys in his hand, I shake my head and I’m about to turn away, when he tugs me into him. Gasping, I fall into him. His hand takes hold of my hair and then he’s kissing me again. I know that this is crazy, and I have only met this man a day ago, but he makes me feel like no one else ever has. I haven’t been with anyone since before Lee Ann tried to commit suicide, to have this man take me in his arms and overwhelm my senses with his touch blows my mind.

This might be a frenzy of passion, and once it fizzles out, we will both be back to our normal routines, but for now, while it lasts, I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.


I have never been a patient man, but I found myself happily sitting around outside Siena’s patient’s houses, waiting for her today. I had Dixon and Fang pick up her car earlier, which allowed us to ride together from one appointment to another. To finally have my Ol’ Lady behind me is unbelievable. I know that she will never believe me until she actually sees me change. While I waited for her, I tried to think of all the ways I could tell her that I’m a shifter, but each option sounded crazier than the previous one.

Now I understand why Hunter and Hawk decided to consummate their bond without telling their mates first, because everything I think about just sounds crazy to someone that doesn’t even know that shifters exist. Siena and I talked on the way to the different patients' houses. She’s funny, and her quick wit had me smiling while we rode. One thing that she also does, is make me horny as hell, I swear that my cock has the indentation of the zipper of my jeans sprawled across it.

I can’t carry on being near my woman without making her mine. Soon, I will have to show her that she belongs to me and that she’s my mate—my key to finally finding peace. We’re on our way back to her house—a house that Hunter told me belonged to Siena and Lee Ann’s mom, and they both inherited it a few years back after their mom died. Having property here in Cape Town might be a problem, as Siena won’t want to move or leave her sister behind.

Being part of a pack, I know how difficult it is to leave those that are close to you, I’m not sure how I can ask my woman to leave her sister—her life, to come live with me at our club. Now that I have found my woman, I need to stay home more. But from the way I’ve been feeling today, I would say that my restless days are over. We’re making our way back to her house; I know that Goliath and Frost went with Siena’s sister to go buy food earlier on. Therefore, I know that when we get home, my woman won’t need to worry about cooking because the others were arranging a barbecue.

Having her hands around my waist and being so close to my crotch, has my body ready to explode. I’ve never been so close to release just with a thought. “I’ve enjoyed today. Does this mean that I’m now a groupie?” I hear the teasing in her voice, but there is also a tone of jealousy—a jealousy that is understandable when it comes to mates.

“No, you’re not a groupie, you are my mate,” I say louder, so my voice travels back to her while we ride. Her arms tighten slightly around my waist and I feel her helmet lying on my back telling me that my woman is feeling comfortable with me. I have kissed her at every opportunity today, kisses that got hotter and hotter with each one. If we don’t consummate our bond soon, we will combust.

Arriving outside Siena’s house, I park the Harley next to my brothers’ bikes before helping my woman off. Placing my arm around her shoulders, I guide her inside, smelling the meat that they are barbecuing. I haven’t eaten the whole day, so the smell of meat has my mouth salivating.

“It’s smelling good,” Siena calls out to her sister as we walk into the kitchen. Her sister is cutting bread while Frost stands next to her, his back against the counter, his ankles crossed. From the way they are standing close together, it seems that Frost was talking to her, but Frost isn’t a talker. I raise a brow at him, but he doesn’t say anything, just looks at me with a bland expression.

“The men are outside, they did practically everything.” There is something fragile about Siena’s sister that calls to my protective instinct, but I haven’t been able to figure out what it is yet.

Siena looks up at me, smiling. “They didn’t have to do this, we invited them, I wouldn’t have minded cooking.”

“You have no idea how much we eat, Sugar. Trust me, it’s better this way,” Dixon says as he walks inside. “How was your day, Brother?” he asks when he walks past me towards the fridge.

“Good, I didn’t have to listen to you.”

He grins at my quip and shakes his head, looking at Siena before throwing her a wink. He already has my anger rising. I watch him tentatively as he starts making his way back outside with a tray of chops. I know that I will be more volatile around other men at the moment, because of not having consummated our bond yet, but I can’t exactly throw her over my shoulder and make her mine.