“I’m twenty-seven,” I murmur as I lean my head back against his shoulder. His hands stroking over my body the soap foaming around me.

“You’re so beautiful, and you are mine.” His words make me tense. What does he mean, mine?

“This is just a fling you know that don’t you?” I say as I turn to find him looking at me intensely.

“That might be a problem.” I am feeling very uneasy suddenly.

“This might sound strange to you, but just listen to me with an open mind.” Now I’m really starting to freak out.

“You are worrying me,” I say, I know that he isn’t the one stalking me but there is something I can just tell. I don’t know what it is about him, but he gets under my skin. He raises his hand to stroke my cheek gently.

“No, don’t worry, trust me everything is going to be okay now.” He switches off the water and then he is helping me out of the shower. “Let’s get you dried off baby doll, and then I will explain everything.” He wraps the towel around me before he gets one for himself. Dabbing myself dry, I admire as he wraps the towel around his waist, his muscles rippling with his movements, his tattoos glisten with the moistness of his skin.

“I don’t usually do this…” at my words his head snaps around, his eyes angry as he looks at me.

“You will never do it again,” his voice is low, a muscle in his jaw ticking in anger

“Listen, this is becoming weird,” I say as I walk out of the bathroom into the room, “who do you think you are, we just had sex we didn’t swap kidneys or anything.” His hand clamps down on my upper arm, turning me around to face him.

“You are wrong, we didn’t just have sex.” He points to the bite on my shoulder, “see this, this is my mark.”

“Yes, what is with that anyway?” I ask angrily as I press around the bite mark, “do you know how much bacteria are in a human’s teeth?”

“That mark makes you mine,” he says in a low growly voice, I don’t know what it is about that voice that gets me all gooey at the knees. I shake my head at his words, I have a madman in my house, it’s a shame though because he’s a damn good-looking madman. “You know this connection you are feeling, the blinding passion? Well, that is because you are my mate, and as such you belong to me and only me.”

“Wow, you sure have a big ego, don’t you?” I know that he’s dynamite in bed, but to think that just because someone sleeps with him once they belong to him is beyond mad.

“It’s not ego, it’s the truth. Tell me that what we just did isn’t the best sex you ever had?” I raise my eyebrows at him, “I know it was because it blew my mind too as it was supposed to.” Well, I wasn’t expecting him to own up to that, but he can’t think that just because we have great sex that I’m his sidekick or something.

“Look, you are a real hunk and this was good I won’t deny it but we have known each other all of a couple of hours. It is even stupid to think that we know what we want,” I state.

“It’s too late for that, you are mine, and the sooner you accept that the better,” he says, a frown adorning his face. “I will protect you from this stalker, I will make sure that the threat is neutralized and that you are never frightened again by anyone.”

“You the one frightening me now, you are talking like a complete psycho,” I say, feeling my heart racing as he places his hand at the back of my neck and pulls me towards him. He says that he will protect me from everyone, who is going to protect me from him?

“Just feel this between us and let it flow. Forget about all the details that are clearly confusing you and believe in my words.” Believe in his words? I don’t even know him; how can I believe in his words? His head starts to lower, before I can step back his lips are on mine and he is kissing me like a man possessed. I don’t know why this man’s possessiveness has me so excited, I raise my arms pulling them around his neck I entwine my fingers through his midnight dark hair as I give him everything he is giving me.

I won’t trust him, that would just be stupid, but I sure as hell am not going to stop a good thing when it's staring at me. This man makes me feel more alive than I have felt in an awfully long time, more alive than I think I have ever felt. I will let this run its course, and when it ends, then it will have been a good experience between the two of us. His hands lower to my towel and then he is whipping it off me, the cool air touching my heated skin but doing nothing to cool down the passion that is running through my veins.

I start lowering my hands, pulling his hair with just enough pressure for him to feel a sting; I feel his muscles flexing across his back as my nails run down his back, and then I slot them under the towel. My fingers just touching the top of his perfect ass cheeks before I pull my wrists out, which has the towel loosening and falling to the floor. I believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If he can whip the towel off me, then I should be able to do the same.

Before I can pinch his ass cheek in pleasure, he has his hands under my ass and is picking me up, his head lifting, his light green eyes shining with a radiance that has me memorized. “You are playing with fire, and little girls that play with fire get burnt.” His voice is a low growl as he leans my back against the wall, the coolness of the wall a relief from the heat that is burning my insides like lava. His head lowers to my breasts, his lips clamping around my erect nipple, his teeth nibbling gently. “Ahh,” I murmur as he suddenly thrusts, his cock invading and concurring.

He has me in a frenzy, my head thrown back as I feel him moving in and out of my body, his muscular arms flexing as his hands tighten around my ass, holding me up. My legs starting to tremble as they tighten around his waist. My feet crossing just above his buttocks feeling every movement of his body before me, he suddenly bites my nipple, a twinge like lightening races from my nipple down my body to where he is thrusting.

I can feel a pressure within me, a pressure that I have never felt before with anyone except with him. My mind is consumed with every motion of his body, with every touch of his hands, his lips. The pressure is building to the point where I’m contemplating asking him to stop; it feels like it will consume me with its intensity, and then everything around me starts to spin. My body explodes with its orgasm, tightening around him, milking him of his essence, of his very life force.

Now the only thing I’m scared of is that we will kill each other with pleasure before this is over.


“Hey brother, how are you holding up?” Goliath asks when I answer the call. After bonding with my woman, I am feeling much better. Yesterday was madness. We made love so many times that she’s still passed out asleep in her bed. I got up about an hour ago and am now sitting on her couch with a cup of coffee in one hand while I talk to Goliath.

“Good, but I need help,” I mutter as I think back to last night’s call. Whoever this person is I will make sure to grind them to dust. I haven’t been able to pick a scent yet.

“What you need?”

“I’m going to send you a list of people that I’m going to need checked, also the fucker that is after my woman, he sent her chocolates yesterday, I need a name of who made the order.” I just want my hands around the fucker.