“I am with the Wolverine MC,” I say pointing to the logo on my Kutte, “my brothers and I are in the business of catching criminals.”

“Aren’t bikers supposed to be criminals in their own right?” her question has me smirking.

“That would be telling,” I quip, “now let’s have something to eat and then you can get the list for me. What would you like?”

“I’m not hungry,” I look her up and down and frown, my woman has a perfect body but if that is because she has to starve herself then I would rather have her with more meat on her bones.

“We shall see.” I make my way towards where I summarize the kitchen is.

“Where are you going?” she asks as she hurries after me. “You can’t just make yourself at home in other people’s houses.” If she only knew that soon she will be mine and then all this won’t matter. I will make sure that my woman is always taken care of, and if that means that I sometimes have to do it against her wishes, then it will just have to be.

I look around the kitchen, impressed on how at home her house feels. Stepping towards the fridge, I open the door. “Mmm,” where is all the good stuff, leaning down I open the freezer. “Don’t you have any steak?”

“No, the only meat I eat is chicken,” she says as she walks up to the fridge and closes the door before me. “I didn’t invite you for lunch,” she says sarcastically with a raised brow.

“Yes, very remiss of you,” I mutter, which has her gasping in indignation. “I will order in,” I say as I pull out my phone to make an order.

“You are very pushy, aren’t you?” she mutters as she moves to sit on a bench by the counter.

“We both have to eat, so why not together?” To be honest, I would rather be tasting her, but she is skittish enough as it is without me making a move on her. I slip the phone back into my back jeans pocket and approach her. I see her tense slightly, but she’s not as tense as earlier. “How long have you been living here?” It can’t be long because my wolf would have picked up on her scent before now.

“Just going on three weeks,” she says as she crosses her legs and leans forward, I know that she’s attracted to me by the way her eyes linger on my lips every now and again, and how her heart has started to beat to my rhythm. If I touch her, I know that her senses will start to sharpen, and she will start to want me as much as I already want her. The fact that I have my mate before me and haven’t yet touched her has my wolf in a frenzy, but I know that the minute I touch her it will be a countdown before I will make sure that we are fully bonded.

“Who knows you are here?” I try to keep my mind busy so that I don’t think about all the things I want to do to her body.

“Just my agent, my parents, and a photographer I know.” She throws up her hands in despair, “I tried to keep it to a minimum, but clearly someone must have said something.”

“Do you trust your agent and the photographer?” they will be the first ones to be checked even if she does trust them.

“Yes, I have known both since I first started in my teenage years.” She shrugs, “they know what has been happening, they wouldn’t have told anyone.”

“What about your parents?” At my question, I see her body tensing in anger, her eyes snapping to mine. “I mean, do they know that you have a stalker?” I find it hard to believe that parents would leave their child alone when that child is in danger. When her shoulders sag and she shakes her head, I realize that she hasn’t told them about her situation.

“I don’t want to worry them,” she murmurs, her cheeks darkening in embarrassment. Well, I’m sure they would have found out when she had turned up dead.

“You are going to have to ask them if they told anyone that you are here.” She shakes her head.

“I don’t want them to know, they will be worried sick.” I want to wrap my arms around her and tell her that everything will be okay, but I can’t say that until I find whoever is after her. I also think that If I touch her now, she will scream bloody murder.

“Well then, let’s start with that list and add your agent and photographer first.” She sighs as she stands and turns to take a writing pad and pen out of a drawer from behind her.

“Do you think it’s possible that it’s someone I know?” she asks as she starts to write on her pad. I wish I could say no, but it is a possibility, and I won’t lie to her, so I just shrug and head towards the door as I hear a car approaching.

“Food is here.” My senses are all over the place around her. One minute I want to smile, then the other I want to kill someone. I know that it’s because I haven’t yet mated with her, but when I think about her life, I wonder how we will ever work out the problem of her occupation. My plan was to get to know her and let her get to know me before I spring the mating on her, but the more time I spend around her, the harder it is becoming to keep my hands to myself.

Placing my hand in the pocket of my jeans again I arrange my cock, grunting as the touch makes me want to take him in my hand and stroke until he is once again behaving, but I know that no matter how many times I masturbate I will continue with a hard-on until Alaska is fully mine. Opening the door, I wait for the delivery guys’ approach.

“You ordered pizza?” he asks with a raised brow as he lifts the two boxes, nodding I hold out my hand. The smell of the pizza doing nothing to appease the veracious appetite that I have at the moment. “Thanks Mister,” the guy says with a smile when I give him a generous tip.

“You got pizza?” I see her eyes glued to the two boxes.

“Don’t you like pizza?” I ask with a frown. Everyone likes pizza.

“Yes, I like pizza, but you got two.” Her eyes rise to mine, “I don’t eat a whole pizza.”

“That’s fine, I will have what you don’t,” I state which has her smiling.

“Guess you use up the carbs when in the gym,” she says with a shrug which has me tensing. Being part wolf has its merits, one of them is not putting on any weight as our metabolism is too fast to pick up weight. The other is a keen sense of smell and even with the food close by I can still smell my woman’s essence.