“We have information on all the Hades members, we have looked through it and even though they are all rotten, none of them stand out as a serial killer.” When Gunner said rotten, the fucker raised his brow sarcastically as if saying that we are just as rotten, the fucker, if he only knew. “We can supply you with information on the ones you suspect, information that I bet you don’t have or can get.”

“Why are you so interested in helping us?” he asks with a suspicious look on his face, “we all know that we are the last people you would ever want to help.”

“Easy, by helping you we will be getting the fucker that killed Linda which in turn will give her sister peace and it will get your eyes on the Hades MC which will please us.” I can see that he is still suspicious, but he knows that there is no one that can give him the information he might need like we can. My whole-body tenses suddenly, as if preparing for danger. What the hell? I feel like my senses are out of control. I feel an uncontrollable sense of urgency to leave. Something is driving my wolf and whatever it is, is in this police station. Fuck, it chose the wrong time to act up. Taking in a deep breath I try to calm my senses, try to calm my breathing because only now do I realize that my breathing is laboured.

I see Gunner looking at me and know that he can sense the change in me and must be wondering what the fuck is going on, well he’s not the only one. “Why not send us all the info you have, like that we can go through everything and see if anyone pops out?”

“No, that’s not how it works,” I mutter, “you give us only the names of any suspect you might have from the Hades and we will give you the information. We are not going to give you information on everyone.”

“And if we think that you just want information on someone and it’s not related to the case, we will not give you that info,” Gunner states.

“It’s against the law to hold information,” he says angrily, which has me snapping out of my seat. The movement surprises me as much as it does him that tenses and moves his hand down towards his weapon. Shit, what the hell is wrong with me?

“Can you deal with this?” I don’t wait for Gunner to respond as I turn and make my way out of the room, I hear Sergeant Patull ask Gunner what is wrong with me and Gunner’s reply is a grunt. My senses are driving me forward and then I get a whiff of a fragrance that seems so familiar that all my senses are on alert. Fuck no, is it possible? I suddenly realize what might be happening to me, and I fucking don’t believe it.

Shit, please don’t let my mate be a fucking cop. I see a cop looking at me suspiciously as my gaze travels around the people that are here on the first floor, but then I get another whiff of that fragrance and I am turning towards the steps. Shit, it is coming from downstairs. I try not to rush downstairs, but the urgency I feel is overwhelming.

Reaching the bottom, I look towards where the battered old man was sitting, but he has gone. The desk behind his has a woman that has her back to me and even without seeing her face I know that she is mine. My heart is racing, and I can feel the hair across my body standing on end. Fuck me, I never thought the pull would be so strong.

Contrary to my brothers I wasn’t in a hurry to find my mate, but now that I know she is before me my wolf is desperate to make her mine. Her hair is curly, an auburn colour that reaches just under her shoulder blades. She seems so petite like a puff of wind will blow her away, my protective instincts are fighting to rush to her and stand over her like an avenging angel of whatever is upsetting her because I can tell that something is by the way her body is tensed.

Her melodious voice reaches me, the sound instantly calming the agitation within my soul that has been a constant ever since I can remember. “How can you say that?” she murmurs to the policewoman sitting before her, taking her statement. I stand listening, wondering what can possibly be upsetting her the way it is.

“I know that it might not sound right, but we can’t do anything until you have some evidence that someone is really stalking you.” What? The fucker will die.

“But I have shown you photos of the flowers, and the note that was left on my car, and the missed calls on my phone when no one talks when I answer.” I can hear the fear in her voice, the fact that someone is scaring her like this has my anger rising. I will find who this sick secret admirer is that she has, and I will convince him that he has a crush on the wrong woman.

“I’m sorry,” the cop says, “I suggest that you get yourself a dog, or if you think this person may harm you get a private detective but we can’t do anything until you bring me concrete evidence that this person means you harm. She suddenly shoots off her chair, standing with her hands flat on the desk.

“If I am killed, know that you were able to stop it, but you didn’t,” she says angrily before turning around to walk away. My woman has a temper on her, I see her eyes and features for the first time. Her eyes are slightly slanted up, a flashing dark blue that at the moment are sparkling with anger. Her eyebrows slanted above her eyes like a bird taking flight. Her lips pouty and ready to be kissed.

She is making her way out of the station, her body tensed, her shoulders stiff as she angrily strides out. I make my way after her, making sure not to follow too close. She walks across the road towards a cherry red mini that is parked just a few cars ahead from where my bike is. The swaying of her perfect ass hypnotizing me, this woman is perfect in every way my hands will mould her curves like a glove, stroking, feeling the smoothness of her skin under my touch.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Gunner mutters as he walks up to me.

“She’s mine,” I state as I see her opening the door of her car, she throws her handbag towards the passenger side in anger before she gets in, leaning her head back she closes her eyes.

“Shit,” Gunner mutters, “I will let the others know,” he says as he lifts his phone and takes a photo of her car. I know that he will be running the plates to find out where she lives but I won’t be waiting for that, I am going to follow her now and make sure that she is safe.

“I’m going to follow her, looks like she has a stalker.” Gunner raises his brows at me and then nods. I know that he won’t try to follow as we don’t take it too well when other men are around our mates before we mate. Making our way towards our bikes I slide the helmet on, leaning forward I start my bike seeing her pull out of her parking space, I take a deep breath trying to calm my senses. It is time to follow my destiny.


I’m so tired, all I want to do is sleep. I can’t remember the last time I had an uninterrupted sleep, I thought that this would go away, but I was wrong. Parking the car in my drive, I take in a deep breath as I look around. I moved here going on three weeks, and thought that finally everything would go away, well it looks like I was wrong and whoever was after me has found me again.

I always joked when I had someone paying me undivided attention, never taking it too serious but now I’m scared. When it started about six months ago, maybe a little earlier I was secretly excited at the fact that someone would put in so much effort for me, but now I’m just creeped out. The flowers, phone calls, and messages are starting to drive me crazy.

Having a name for oneself isn’t always the dream people think it is. When I first started out, I struggled to get where I am today. Being a model has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. I now have enough money to live comfortably, have invested it wisely, and the income I receive monthly is enough to keep me going for a number of years. That is, if I live long enough to enjoy it.

I still accept modelling jobs, but I’m the one that chooses the ones I want to be on, it’s a cutthroat profession. I used to love the travelling at the beginning but now I just want the peace and quiet. I look at the house, still undecided if I should buy it or not. It is beautiful; I thought that I could lie low for a while and maybe go into the city only when I had a job, but now if whoever is after me knows where I am, I might have to rethink.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the front door, my hand in my bag holding onto the pepper spray. I never thought that I would live a life of fear, a life where I was afraid for my life. I have thought so many times of going home, of staying with my parents, my brother lives right next door, he would make me feel safe. But then I think that I don’t really know how dangerous this person is and if they decide to hurt my parents because of me I would never forgive myself.

I have racked my mind for months of who it could be, have tried to picture everyone in my mind that I might have met, that might have taken a shining to me. Have thought of men I have slept with, none of them important enough to merit a second thought. I had dreams of meeting that one man that would sweep me off my feet, that would make me so delirious with love that I wouldn’t be able to resist him. Then I grew up and realized that they were just dreams and I didn’t fall in love, if that is even a thing like other people do.

I regret the death of that dream as it made me cynical to the way of the world, it made me cynical to the way I see relationships. Sometimes I wish that I had someone that I could depend on, someone that I knew loved me or that I for once knew I loved. It would have been so much easier to share this burden with someone than carrying it alone.

Opening the door, I turn off the alarm. When I was in my apartment in the city, I know that someone had been there even though I had an alarm. At least here I haven’t felt or seen any evidence of anyone having been in here. I don’t have many people that I talk too as a model’s life is a lonely life, always flying around the world at your next clients’ disposition.