Alaska leans forward and then she is burying her head in my fur as her fingers continue their stroking. “I should be freaking out with everything that has happened, but instead I feel better than I have in a very long time.” I don’t know how long we sit like this, but the stroking of her fingers and her scent are lulling me to sleep which has me carefully standing and then changing back into myself before I fall asleep as my woman deserves to be comfortable in bed and not sitting on a bench the whole night.

“Come on, let’s get to bed.” I slide my arm under her knees and then the other around her back as I pick her up and carry her to our bed.

“Your wolf is beautiful,” she murmurs sleepily against my neck.

“Shht, don’t say that too loud, it will give him a big head,” I tease, which has me grinning when I hear her giggle. Laying her down I kiss her forehead as I see her close her eyes in tiredness, “I’m going to take a shower, will be back soon,” I say but she doesn’t answer as I hear her breath deeply. I shake my head in amusement at how quickly she fell asleep but I don’t blame her, today has been taxing for her.

Walking into the bathroom, I turn on the water and step in to wash away all the dirt from the day. Today has been testing, I wish it had been different; I wish our initiation had gone smoothly a day to remember for Alaska. Now the only thing she’s going to remember is the fucking Hades attacking us. I wanted to get started on finding who the bastard is that’s stalking her so that she can feel safer but instead of being able to do that we have the fucking Hades up our asses; we have a serial killer on the loose and she has a stalker. Grunting I turn off the water, stepping out I pull a towel off the shelf and start drying myself.

I wanted nothing more tonight than to take my woman to heights of passion that she has never been before, but instead she is exhausted. Walking into the room I hear her soft breaths of slumber, her body covered with the sheet but that does nothing to stop me from imagining her perfect body under it. Dropping the towel, I sigh as I approach the bed; I need to get up early so that we can get those bikes done and out of here before anyone comes looking for them. Slipping under the sheet, I place my arm over her waist and pull her gently towards me.

My body hard and throbbing at her nearness, but I ignore its insistence and close my eyes, her essence surrounding me, lulling me into a restful sleep.


“Thank you for driving us, Sabre,” Dakota says from next to me. We got up this morning to find that most of the men were gone. Even though our feet are still tender, we decided to go into town and have Gloria, Dakota’s friend, pamper us. Because of my feet we asked Sabre to drive my car, which he immediately agreed to. I was so tired that I didn’t even hear Dash getting up this morning, but apparently the other women didn’t hear their men leaving either, which in Onix’s case she’s not too happy about as she likes to know when Hawk leaves.

As Sabre drives us into town, I look around at the quiet little town and think back to the city I lived in. What a rat race it was trying to get from one point to another. Hopefully, this problem that the Wolverine MC has with The Hades MC will fizzle out and everything will quiet down, and once Dash identifies who the Stalker is everything will be perfect here.

Sabre parks my car outside the salon, looking inside I see that there are a couple of women already inside, “I’m looking forward to just sitting and having someone faf over me,” Onix says as she slides out of the car gently to try not to put too much weight all at once on her feet.

“Damn, feels like my feet get worse as the day progresses,” Dakota mutters, “the cuts are scabbing already with Hunter’s ministrations but that pulls and is quite painful.” I know what she means as this morning when I looked at my feet I was surprised to see that my feet were slightly bruised but the cuts on my feet were healing at an alarmingly fast rate, I realize it’s because of Dash’s wolf licking them yesterday but it’s still surprising how his saliva heals my wounds.

When the three of us wobble into the salon the women there quieten as they stare at us. “Dakota, what the hell happened to you three?” Gloria asks as she approaches, hugging Dakota before stepping back and looking at Onix and me.

“The three of us were being silly and decided to challenge each other, as you can see it didn’t work out too well.” Gloria smiles as she shakes her head.

“Welcome to the salon, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you,” Gloria says as she looks at me with a frown.

“Oh, sorry, I forgot that you still haven’t met them,” Dakota says as she points at Onix, “this is Onix and she’s Hawk’s woman and Alaska is Dash’s . . .” suddenly Gloria whoops in pleasure as she points at me.

“I knew that I had seen you before, how come you’re in town?” I guess I should have expected someone that has a salon would be into fashion and might recognize me.

“Who is she?” one of the ladies that is sitting in one of the chairs with foil in her fair from the highlights asks.

“She’s a well-known model,” Gloria says with a wide grin.

“Do you mind if we sit down while you gush over Alaska?” Dakota says with a smile as she makes her way towards a couch that is situated in front of a wide window.

“Oh, how terrible of me,” she immediately tries to help me towards the couch which I wish she wouldn’t as it makes it awkward, but I finally sit and see Onix trying not to grin.

“Not funny,” I quip quietly at her, which has her losing her composure and grinning.

“Aren’t you the lawyer?” one of the ladies asks

“Yes, I am,” Onix replies as she looks at Sabre as he hands her, her handbag. Sabre is still young, but he has the making of a handsome Wolverine, he is an introvert but I think that shyness will disappear soon enough if the looks he is getting from the women is any indication of his soon to be popularity.

“Jenny, get them something to drink,” Gloria says as she comes to stand close to me.

“So, Alaska, whatever would bring you to such a small town after all the places you must have been?” Gloria asks.

“Have you seen Dash?” Onix asks from next to me, “how can you think she would be able to resist a man like that, you can’t compare a lonely jetsetters life to a hot sexy man next to you every night.” I glance at Onix and nod in thanks at her subterfuge. She is definitely the perfect person to have in an interrogation.

“No disrespect but I definitely agree, how can you resist a man like that?” the women with the foil in her hair says with a wink at us, “to be fair it’s not just him, I don’t know what those boys are eating but they should give me some to feed it to my hubby.” I laugh at her comment, imagining the women’s face if we told her that they practically eat their meat nearly raw.

“Delores, I think you already feed your hubby way too much, maybe that’s the problem,” Gloria teases.

“What?” Delores asks in fake surprise, “he’s just retaining fat for winter, you will see that after winter he will be a lean fighting machine.” At her comment, I burst out laughing. Usually when we had our hair, face or body worked on it was on deadlines as we had different looks for different sets, so the camaraderie wasn’t always there. Being able to sit here with complete strangers and laugh at normal silliness that women sometimes get up to is refreshing to me.