“We would have to find someone that all the women came into contact with,” Gunner says as he swings on his chair.

“Or we . . .” Frost starts to say but then he frowns and turns as we hear Hawk and another two sets of footsteps approaching. The first one through the door is Sam, then another woman with short blond hair walks in through the door. She seems reluctant to be here, and I’m wondering who she could possibly be that Sam would break all the rules and bring here. Hawk enters behind them, a scowl on his face, which tells us that he’s not happy with this setup.

“Looks like we have one more problem,” He says as he walks around the woman and towards Onix, he comes to a stop behind her chair and places a hand on her shoulder which has her leaning her head against his arm.

“Everyone, meet Joy,” Hawk introduces.

“Hi Joy,” Dakota greets.

“Fuck,” Fang mutters, “don’t tell me, the Joy Skull is looking for?”

“Yip, the very same,” Hawk mutters.

“Sam, explain,” King says in a gravelly voice.

“Joy phoned me asking if I could hide her for a few days, just so she can get away.” Sam shrugs, a worried look on her face. “You wouldn’t have known about it if Hawk hadn’t found us, I was just going to hide her in the cottage for a few days before we found a way to get her away.”

“You can’t make me go back, please.” I feel Alaska tensing on my lap and then she is looking over her shoulder at me with a frown on her face, but I squeeze my hand on her waist telling her without words to keep quiet. This is King’s decision, and he will make the right one to keep the pack safe.

“Were the men abusing you?” King asks.

“Abusing? No, the men didn’t touch me Skull made that abundantly clear, but he kidnapped me and now that I managed to get away, I want to go home.” Most of us look at each other as that isn’t something that usually happens in the Hades MC. This woman must be special in some way because there is no way that the men would have kept their hands to themselves unless Skull threatened them.

“You know that if you go back home then he will find you again, don’t you?” King asks with a raised brow.

“I wasn’t going to go home,” she states, “I was going to a friend’s house.”

“Why didn’t you go to the police?” Fang asks with a frown which has Joy tensing.

“I don’t want to get Skull in trouble, he’s just misunderstood.” I see Sam look at her in surprise, Gunner snorts in amusement.

“Misunderstood? How do you get that from someone that kidnaps and traffics women for a living?” I see the woman gasp as she turns her head to look at Gunner. “Oh wait, it’s for the good of the women,” he says sarcastically.

“He’s had a hard life,” Joy says in Skull’s defence, which is interesting for someone to do of their kidnapper.

“You sound like you like Skull, so why run away?” Onix asks.

“I’m not used to that type of life, and I had to be mostly locked away and was only allowed out when Skull was around.”

“Sam, take Joy to the cottage,” King orders, and then he looks at Joy, “but I want you out of here by the end of the week. If you need us to take you to your friend, just let us know, or if you need to phone someone, but Joy, you do not tell anyone where you are.” With that tone of voice, I doubt anyone would contradict King especially not a fragile looking female like Joy.

“Thank you,” she says in a sigh as Sam takes hold of her arm to guide her out.

“Sam,” King calls, which has her stopping in the doorway to look back. “Don’t ever hide things from us again.” I see Sam bite her bottom lip as she nods, Sam is the only Blossom left after the Hades kidnapped and killed the other two women awhile back. When we got Sam back, she was a broken shell of the person she used to be, with time we have managed to bring her back to a semblance of the person that she was before, we will protect her with our lives as part of the Wolverine MC, but if she keeps things from us I know that King will have her removed from here.

“This is going to come back and bite us in the ass,” Fang mutters as he walks towards the bar. “Give me a beer, Sabre.” Sabre is our youngest prospect and still trying to tame his wolf. He is a gangly eighteen-year-old shifter whose parents were killed by hunters. Fang found him not so long ago fighting at a nightclub for money, he brought him here and offered him a home if he behaved. The boy is hardworking and an asset as he works harder than anyone else around, and I know that in part it’s because he fears we will kick him out if he doesn’t.

“He’s right,” Goliath states, “if Skull finds out that she’s here he will be here like the flash.”

“We make sure that she finds this friend of hers and leaves as soon as possible,” King mutters as he stands, and looks over at Alaska and me. “Dash, down by the glade in an hour.” Nearly time for our official bonding, my Initiation will seal our bond and make her irrevocably mine.


Today has been jam packed with action from the moment I awoke to now, I thought my life was hectic before when I was constantly flying around never having a base for very long. Well now I’m in one place but it looks like there is action of another sort, but the thing is that this action has me excited. I never thought that I would love this kind of life when I have always been surrounded by pretentious people, but being here in a house surrounded by shifters, running from a stalker which just a day ago obscured every waking hour, now seems like a minimal thing compared to everything else that I have come to realize and live.

I am so at ease with Dash, which is strange as I have only known him for a day, but he has me feeling like I have known him for my entire life. Dash isn’t the type of man that I would ever have thought that I would one day be with, but now I couldn’t think of not being around him. As his essence surrounds me, I feel my body alive, alive with a vibrancy that I have never felt before. I moved here to start again, to try to find some kind of normality in my life, but instead I find a mate.

We are all getting ready to go to the glen, which King told Dash we would meet so that he can have his initiation done. Dash got up a few minutes ago to go and talk to Dixon about a Kutte for me. Apparently, all the women in the club need to have one when they ride or if they have a party. I look at him as he stands talking to Dixon and Fang. His low-cut jeans moulding his ass perfectly, his t-shirt covering his six-pack, but the tattoos on his arms evident. His longish black hair shining in the light a raven black, his eyes twinkling as he grins at something Fang says.