“Skull is with them,” King mutters, as the Hades president he usually sends his members to do his dirty work for him and hardly ever is involved in any of the interaction between the clubs. If he’s with them, then it means that something big is afoot. Skull has his hand in most of the crime in the area but no one can get to him because all the Hades members cover for him, they also know that the minute they talk about any of what they do they will be dead.

They come into sight, Skull riding in front with the others fanned out behind. Stopping their bikes, I see Skull getting off, the others all stay on their bikes even though their hands are near their guns as is expected. King walks forward to meet Skull halfway. “What brings you here, you and your men are not welcome here.” Skull shrugs as he walks close to King and lowers his voice so that no one can hear their conversation but as shifters our hearing is way too sharp not to hear what he is saying.

“I’m here because we both have a problem,” Skull says.

“How do you see that?” King asks his voice as quiet as Skull’s, King knows that we can hear them, but we have never hidden things from each other we won’t be starting now.

“These killings that have been going on in town are bad for business, they are bringing in the heat which we both don’t want,” Skull says as he places his hands on his waist, Skull is crafty and knows how to manipulate people very well.

“What has it got to do with us?” King asks.

“I hear they say they found one of your tags on the body,” Skull states.

“It was planted because we have checked everyone’s tags and they all have them,” King says.

“Fuck, I thought that might be the case,” Skull states as he looks over his shoulder at his boys.

“Why is that?” King asks.

“Because your boys don’t have what it takes,” he states, which has me tensing, son of a bitch, is he calling us soft?

“Are you saying that it’s one of yours?” At Kings question I look carefully at Skull’s face to see if there is any indication that he might know who the killer is.

“No, I know it isn’t any of my boys or trust me he would be dead if he was fucking with my business.” I know for a fact that that is true. Skull would not let anyone jeopardize his business if he knew who it was. “One of our women has vanished, it has been a week and we can’t find her.” I can hear the anger in Skull’s voice which is strange as Skull has never been seen with a woman for long enough to build a connection or one that we know of, but it seems like he has a soft spot for this particular one.

“How do you know she hasn’t run away?” King asks, which has Skull tensing as his eyes snap from where they were looking into the distance back to King.

“She didn’t take anything with her, and there was no reason for her to leave.” After seeing the way his men treat the women in his club, I would say there were many reasons why she would want to leave.

“What are you proposing, Skull? I’m sure you didn’t come here just for chitchat.” I can hear by the tone of King’s voice that he’s running out of patience.

“I want to know who the fucker is that is killing these women and has decided to do it here, and I want to know if he has Joy.” Joy? I don’t remember seeing any of the woman at the club with that name.

“Again, how does that involve us?” King states.

“If you know anything about who is killing or if you have any ideas, I want to know.”

“Why the fuck would you think that we would tell you anything?” King asks angrily.

“Because I’m not going to let this mess with my business, and I think you don’t want it messing with yours either.” I can see King glaring at him.

“Well, we think it’s one of your guys,” King says as he raises his hand and rubs his jaw, which tells me that he’s coming to the limit of his patience.

“I know it’s not, but if you find any evidence to prove I am wrong, you tell me, and I will deal with him myself.”

“I’m not sure that can happen. You see, one of my men is invested in finding this fucker too as he killed his old ladies’ sister.” Skull raises his hand, rubbing his fingers to his forehead, his shoulders tense as if he will snap at any moment.

“Fine . . .” King holds up his hand and then his eyes snap back to us.

“Someone is coming,” he states loud enough for the Hades men to also hear. Just then two police cars are driving up towards us. “What the fuck is this, a party?” King growls angrily. The cars come to a stop and Sargent Patull and a policeman that I recognize from the station get out with a man in a suit stepping out the back and from the other car a woman steps out also dressed in a pants suit.

“Well, isn’t this cosy?” Sargent Patull says, “I thought you guys were rivals.”

“What can we do for you?” King ignores his comment by asking.

“Well, we have Agent Keller and Agent Trask here that would like to ask you boys some questions and seeing as you all are together save us the extra trip.” I really hate that fucker, he’s such a cocky asshole.

“I’m sure you have heard about the killings that have been happening in the area,” Agent Keller says. “We have reason to believe that the victims all had some kind of association with your clubs.” What the fuck is he talking about? We only knew this new girl because she worked at the diner and Onix’s sister the others were from Town, but we didn’t have any association with them.