“It’s a lot to take in when I never thought something like this was possible, but I don’t have a problem with it per say,” I answer and see him nod.

“You understand that there is a reason why no one knows, and we would like to maintain it like that?” At his question, I nod.


“I understand you are a model?” he asks, and I feel Dash tense, I sense that King doesn’t approve of my profession either.

“Yes,” I answer, not elaborating that as a matter of fact I’m not doing much modelling any longer and only accept contracts if I really see the need.

“Are we going to have people coming here looking for you?” I look up at Dash, I don’t know if he has told him about my stalker but I’m guessing he has and that is the only person I suspect that would ever come looking for me. Dash looks down at me, then he nods as if to say it’s okay.

“I have a stalker, the only person I suspect would ever deem it necessary to look for me.” King looks at Dash and I see a look pass between them that I don’t know what it might mean, but when King looks back at me, his expression is more relaxed.

“Welcome to the family Alaska, hope you like living here.” I tense, I haven’t thought about living here. I thought that this would be temporary as I was thinking of buying the house, I have been renting. I guess that is something that I can decide later.

“Thank you,” I say hesitantly.

“Don’t thank me yet, you don’t know what a handful Dash can be,” King quips with a wink, which completely takes me aback as it transforms his features completely.

“I have my suspicions,” I reply, which has someone laugh from behind me.

“Now let me introduce you to the most talkative man you will ever meet,” Dash says as he points to the man next to King, but going by his scowl I would say that he’s not in a very talkative mood today. “Alaska, this is Frost.” When I realize who he is, I smile remembering what Onix and Dakota were saying earlier on. So, he’s the one Onix is hell bent on getting him to smile, I can see why, the man has potential if he would only be less moody.

“Hi Frost, so nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you,” I see his eyes lift to somewhere behind me, and I’m sure he’s just glanced at Onix. Instead of answering, he grunts a reply.

“You must ignore Frosties bite, I know that deep down he’s smiling at all of us,” Onix says, which has Frost raise a brow, but that is the only reaction he shows.

“That there is Dixon, but I believe you met him earlier.” I look to my left and then my cheeks warm when I think of how much of Dixon I actually met this morning.

“Umm, yes,” I say.

“Sorry for frightening you earlier Darling, I thought you already knew about us.” He seems to be so sincere, and he has such a calm and gentle look in his eyes that I can’t find myself holding a grudge.

“It’s fine, it worked out for the better,” I say with a smile at him.

“That there is Fang, and our enforcer.”

“I’m sorry, I’m terrible with names and might take a while to get all your names right,” I confess.

“Don’t worry about it Darling, we won’t bite,” Fang says and then grins, “maybe just nibble.” At his comment, I grin as I know he’s teasing me.

“You will lose your teeth if they come anywhere near her,” Dash says conversationally, but I sense an underlying threat, but instead of having Fang tensing, it has him grinning. Dash then inclines his head towards a man that has been leaning against the workshop door, his hair is up in a man bun but there are whisps that have come loose which tells me that he has long hair. He is a mountain of a man; I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving side of this man’s punch. “That’s Goliath,” hearing his name, I grin; his parents sure chose his name correctly.

“Welcome,” he says.

“Well, now that the pleasantries are over let’s get some work done before the Initiation tonight,” King states, but just as everyone starts to go about their own business, I see the men tense, stop and face outside. I haven’t been here long, but even I can tell that this isn’t good.


Grabbing Alaska’s arm, I pull her behind me. What the fuck are they doing here? “Fang, Dixon, Goliath, spread out,” King orders. “Hunter, get the women inside, find Sam I can’t scent her.”

“Go with Hunter,” I tell Alaska as I look over my shoulder to see her worried face. “Don’t worry,” I murmur, which has her nodding at me reluctantly before she heads inside with the others.

“Gunner,” King says, but Gunner is already pulling his sniper out from behind a wooden panel we have in the workshop and heading towards the upstairs windows so that he has a better view of anyone approaching.

“These fuckers are starting to irritate me,” King mutters as he walks towards the door of the workshop and waits. A couple of minutes later we hear the Hades MC bikes riding up towards us. By the sound of the motors there are about five of them, five fucking Hades in our club after everything they did before, after the way they hurt Sam and killed the other two Blossoms, we should kill them on sight.

I place my hand behind my back, holding the gun I have in the waistband of my jeans. Whatever they are here for it won’t be good as any interaction with the Hades is never good. “Jericho is with them,” Hawk says from where he’s standing. Jericho is one of their members, and one of the people we suspect to be the serial killer, as he was the one seeing Onix’s sister before she died.