“Why the fuck would you do that?” I ask.

“I thought you had already told her, I wanted to introduce myself,” he says with a shrug.

“As a wolf?” I ask sarcastically with a scowl.

“Or a naked guy,” Gunner mutters with a lopsided grin which earns him a glare from Dixon, I could go at him right now, but I know that this isn’t his fault. I should have told her, but I was hoping that she would settle down first before I would have to broach the subject, I should have known better.

“Did you go to my room?” I ask.

“No, she was on her way down,” I should have known she wouldn’t listen, and do as I tell her, “but then Dakota and she went to the infirmary.”

“Why, wasn’t she feeling well?” my heart is racing at the thought that the fright of finding out that we are shifters has made her ill. Fuck, I should have said something in a gentler way than her finding out like this.

“No, she looked fine,” Dixon says as he walks past towards his bike, I turn to make my way inside to go and find her and explain everything. I know that Dakota and Onix will be a great help when it comes to appeasing her of what to expect, as they have both been through the same thing. I know that it’s huge what we ask of our women, after all they change their whole lives for us.

I realized that when Hawk mated with Onix and how she left her job and city to come here by her mate. I know that for us it’s the natural thing to do, but for our women it’s not as they already have a life. We turn that life completely around, expecting them to conform to our way of life and what we expect. When Hunter and Hawk mated, I silently told myself that when I found my mate I would give her an option, but now that I’m mated and faced with the predicament that my mate might not want to be with me and wants to move back into her life I don’t know if the possessive wolf in me will allow for me to let her go.

“Dash.” I stop at Kings call. Looking over my shoulder I see him frowning. As our leader and alpha, I have the utmost respect for him, not just because he’s our alpha but because he leads by example. King won’t ask anything of anyone that he isn’t willing to do, and he is always willing to help with anything that we might require. King is a strong leader which is required with a group of men like us. Sometimes he needs a strong will and force to bend some of our feral instincts into submission. “Initiation tonight, but I want to meet your woman before then.”

Fuck, I completely forgot about the initiation. When we first mate our alpha is responsible in initiating us into our mated status. This initiation binds the mates closer together, allowing for our energy to flow in unison. That is something else I have to tell Alaska, and try to get her agreement to be there, I will also need to have her agreement in meeting King and the others which she hasn’t met yet.

As our alpha, King has to accept her into our family only like that will she be allowed to live here. It doesn’t matter that we are mated, if King finds that she will be a threat to the rest of the group he won’t accept her, which creates a problem as I would have to conform in living without my mate and continuing through life without the warmth of a woman. Once mated the wolf will not accept any other woman. If he doesn’t accept her, I will have to leave my pack which I don’t want to have to do as we are a family.

“I will come find you later,” I state as I make my way towards where I can sense my mate. Our destiny was written the moment we met. Alaska is my mate, and I will do everything in my power for her to see that I can be the best protector, lover and friend that she will ever want or need.


I don’t think this weight in my stomach will ever lighten, I’m still baffled on how shifters are a reality. Yes, from the moment I met him I have felt an animalistic attraction for him, which I thought was just sexual. I have read enough romance novels to deduce that maybe it’s because he’s a shifter. How is it possible that I didn’t suspect anything but to be fair, how could I ever in a million years think that the man changed into an animal? I raise my hand to the mark on my shoulder, thinking about when he bit me and how hot it made me.

“You want to talk about it?” Dakota asks as she closes the cupboard where she was placing some bandages in. Since bringing me to the infirmary where she sometimes helps the others when they get injured, which apparently is quite often looking at all the equipment she has in here that she has been nothing but comforting. I now realize that Onix and her were just trying to comfort me thinking that I might need it, that’s why they were so surprised when they realized that Dash hadn’t mentioned his wolf to me.

Oh my word, every time I think about it I seem to freeze. I have never had a dog how would I even know how to handle a Wolf that is so much more feral than a domesticated animal? “Do they bite?” I ask and then immediately shake my head at the stupid question, of course they bite all I have to do is look at my shoulder.

Dakota looks at me questioningly, “What do you mean, bite as in love bites or bite to make you behave or rip your head off bite?”

“I mean, do they have to be chained when its full moon because they will bite or kill someone?” At my question, I see both Dakota’s eyebrows raise in surprise and then a laugh from behind me.

“Mmmm, I’m sure Hawk wouldn’t mind me chaining him up when its full moon if I promise he can eat me,” Onix says as she steps into the room, a wide grin on her face. Dakota swats at her arm with a laugh.

“Be serious, you’re a perve,” she quips with a grin.

“Well, looks like our girl here finally found out about her man,” Onix says, as she places a hand over mine and squeezes gently “sorry, I couldn’t resist at your comment.” She shrugs as she continues, “but to answer your question, no, we don’t need to shackle them as they are completely in control when in their wolf form.”

“And they are fully aware of what you say and do, so don’t let them make as if they’re not understanding you like Hunter tried to pull with me at the beginning,” Dakota says as she lifts herself onto the bed in here and sits down.

“So, you are saying that it isn’t necessary to hide when I see a wolf and there are no special requirements that they need?” I ask, which gets me a nod from both of them. “How often do they change into their wolves?” I might as well get as much info as I can from them because I might not get it from Dash, as it seems like he’s quite remiss with the information that I just had sex with a shifter.

“Whenever they feel like it, but usually we don’t really see them much unless we go into the woods. In the house they don’t really change into their wolves,” Dakota says with a shrug. “Dixon was just showing off, they don’t usually do that.”

“What happened?” Onix asks as she takes the chair out from under the little desk and sits down.

“Dixon thought it cool to appear as his Wolf upstairs and then he changed right in front of her,” Dakota explains. “You can imagine her fright not knowing anything, and she is faced with a wolf growling at her.”

“He was growling?” Onix asks in surprise.

“He also thought she already knew, in his defence he did stand before her naked for her to see all that, umm. . .” Dakota grins naughtily at me and winks, “manliness.” I shake my head in amusement at her playfulness. Since arriving all the men that I have met seem very fit and if I remember correctly Hunter, her mate, is just as manly as Dixon.

“One thing you can expect to see a lot of is hot guys,” Onix says, “Who have you met so far?”