“Do you think that Onix and I thought we were when we first found out?” she asks as she shakes her head. “All I can tell you is, give them a chance. They might be different, but they have norms and values in the right place.”

“That’s not what I mean, I have never had a relationship that lasted, I’m just not the attachment kind of person.” Dakota smiles at me with a sad smile.

“The only thing I can tell you is give it time, don’t rush into a decision, let things rollout naturally and you will find that you might be surprised.” I grunt at her answer.

“I thought things couldn’t get any worse, well I was wrong.” Dakota slides her arms around me, hugging me close. I stand stiffly as I’m not someone that is used to acts of affection, but I do feel better at the friendship that Dakota is showing towards me. I have never had much time for real friends, it’s not because of lack of trying but maybe lack of time and yes most of the time I just didn’t make an effort to maintain a friendship.

“I want to see Dash,” I murmur, I think there is some confessing that he needs to do.

“Of course, but know that as his mate he will always do everything in his power to keep you happy, but he will also do what is needed to keep you safe even if that is protecting you from yourself.” For years that I have read romance books, dreaming of being one of the characters, but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would have been in a situation like this and with a man that isn’t even fully human.

“And as his mate, I will make sure that he understands that he can’t go around manipulating me to suit his whims.” Dakota grins at my comment.

“I think you will fit in here perfectly,” she says as she places her arm through mine.


“Hey brother, are we going to see photos of you in a magazine soon?” Gunner asks when I walk back into the garage.

“Not likely,” I mutter as I come to a standstill by the door, “the fucker that is stalking my woman drove into my ride.” The others stop what they are doing as they turn to look at me.

“What the fuck?” Hawk grunts, “how bad is it?”

“I need a new tank, the forks are bent and the whole left side, mirror and footrests are done in.” I can see the anger in the other’s faces, one thing we don’t like is the unnecessary destruction of a motorcycle.

“So that’s why you came in the dinky toy,” Hunter says as he inclines his head towards where I parked Alaska’s car.

“Yeah, only thing available at short notice. I need my mate’s clothes and anything you deem important brought over. Anyone free to go and get her stuff?” We might not like each other sometimes and get on each other’s nerves constantly, but one thing about us is that we are a family and as such we help each other and are always there to help when help is required.

I know Fang is going into town later in the van, I’ll go with him, we might as well pick your ride up and whatever else you need.” I nod my thanks to Gunner, I don’t want to leave Alaska here by herself today as she still doesn’t know anyone or the club. Once I introduce her to everyone and show her around the property, I will feel more at ease leaving her here.

“Did you hear about the girl that was killed?” Hawk asks as he goes back to tinkering with his bike. Hawk has promised his woman after the serial killer killed her sister that he would find the bastard and make him pay. We all thought the sick fuck would lie low for a while to let things die down, but it doesn’t seem like it.

“Yeah, Goliath told me this morning. Do you know yet where he got our patch?” If that patch has any of our DNA we are fucked because they will try to link these murders on that person.

“Nope, we all have ours. I went to check in your room and saw your Kutte was intact and the one you have on also has the patch on it,” Hunter states as he points towards where I have the patch on my Kutte.

“Why would he want to blame this on us, do you think he found out that we are the ones that found the graves?”

“No, there is no way he would have found out as it wasn’t in a report. I think that he just wants to take the focus off himself for a while and thought that the best way was to get the cops eyes on us for a while,” Gunner states, “this just confirms my suspicions that whoever the killer is he must be one of the Hades MC or he would have pointed blame that way instead of towards us.” We have always suspected that the killer was one of the Hades, but it hasn’t been that easy to identify the perpetrator.

“Has anyone gone to where she was killed?” We might be able to get a scent of who the killer is if we go to where the crime was committed or even to where he buries them. The only problem before was that he covered the area with bleach, which completely obscured any scent that there might have been.

“Hunter and I went to where they found her last night, but there was nothing to pick up on,” Hawk says, Hunter and Hawk are our best trackers, therefore when there is a requirement for any tracking to be done, they are usually the ones that take lead.

“King and Frost went to the diner today to see if they could pick up anything. If we can just find out where he is killing them then we might be able to pick up even if the faintest scent,” Hunter says.

“Did the cops come over, or how did you find out about the tag?” I ask, wondering if I still have to look forward to the fucking cops questioning me.

“It’s a rumour going around,” Gunner mutters, which tells me that if the rumour is true, then we will have the inspectors looking into us, which is something we try to keep away from at all costs.

“Enough of this talk, how about you stop sidestepping and tell us all about your mate?” I shrug at Hunters question.

“She has a fucking stalker that thought it was cool to drive over my bike,” I mutter sarcastically, “she hasn’t been in town long and only moved here to get away from whoever is after her, but it looks like he found her.”

“Looks like we are going hunting,” Gunner says with a wink as he stands, “but you left out the part about the photos, what’s with that, is she a photographer?”

“No, she’s a fucking model.” I know that most guys would give their left nut to be seen with a model, well the last thing I want is my mate to be one. I don’t want the knowledge that men out there are looking at her and imagining her without any clothes on. All three men stop what they are doing again and look at me with different expressions on their faces.