“You don’t need to worry, they sure are feral but they will never hurt you now that you are with Dash.” These women are making less and less sense.

“I still think I would prefer to stay far away from any wolf.” I see both women look at me in surprise and then at each other.

“You do know that Dash is part wolf, don’t you?” Onix asks with a raised brow.

“What?” Did Dash send these two up here to annoy me? “You mean he’s part of the Wolverine MC, then yes, he has told me.”

“Oh boy,” Dakota mutters as she once again looks at Onix, but this time she looks unsure of something.

“What exactly are you trying to say?” I ask, now suspicious that they are up to something.

“We should leave,” Onix says as she stands from where she had sat down on the bed. But I hold up my hand. These women are either playing a very strange game or they are now hiding something.

“You came here with a purpose. What was that purpose?” I need to know if they are hiding something.

“We just wanted to welcome you,” Dakota says as she walks towards the door.

“Look,” I say as she places her hand on the door handle, “If there is something I should know, just tell me.” Dakota looks over her shoulder at me, then towards Onix that is a couple of steps behind her.

“Whatever we tell you, you will never believe unless you see it. Trust me when I tell you that Dash will tell you whatever you need to know when the time is right. I’m sorry if we have upset you, that was not our intention at all. If anything, we wanted to welcome you and let you know that if you need anything we are here.” I’m still suspicious of their intentions. All the women I have met before with the exception of my mother have always had a double agenda no matter what they portrayed.

“Thank you,” I murmur, I’m sure their intentions will come to light in the future after all sooner or later everyone always shows their true intentions in the end. I wasn’t always this cynical but working in my profession you learn to take everything with a pinch of salt. I close the bedroom door behind them, still puzzled at what they meant.

I lift my hand to the bite on my shoulder and frown, the bruising around it is quite noticeable but the strange thing is that I noticed Dakota had a similar bite but hers wasn’t bruised and seemed to have been done quite a while ago, looking more like scars but very similar to mine. I tense when I think of them talking about wolves. What do wolves do? They bite, I tense when I think of all the possibilities, but everything I am thinking about is clearly impossible.

I shake my head at the thoughts coursing through my mind; I think I have been reading way too many shifter romance books. There is no way that in real life there is such creatures. Do they perhaps have pet wolves? I walk towards the sliding doors of a closet that Dash has in the room, sliding them open I see a couple of jeans, a whole lot of t-shirts, another kutte like he was using earlier, a few shirts that are hanging and a dark grey suit. He doesn’t have many clothes, but what he has is neatly packed away, the same as the rest of his room. Turning back towards the room I look at everything again, everything seems to be neatly in its place, nothing seems to be out of place.

“Alaska, I think you’re in way over your head,” I mutter as I walk to my traveling bag and pull out a light summer dress with a beige Lingerie set. Well, I’m not going to hide here like a scared rat, he wanted me to come here, well I’m here. It doesn’t mean that I’m going to stay in my room. I want to get out there and see how an MC lives and most importantly see how they are going to keep me safe. Tying my hair back, I slide my feet into sandals before I make my way out of the room. I am heading down a long corridor when I see a huge wolf turning into the corridor. Oh, my word. They were not joking about the wolves.

His eyes are focused on me, his light coat of fur shining in the sunlight that is coming in through the outside window at the end of the corridor. What should I do? I think I heard that you mustn’t look a feral animal in the eyes, my heart is racing. Oh, what a bad idea Alaska, you should have just waited in the room. I take a step back, which has the wolf growling low in his throat. I haven’t come that far from the room; I wonder if he would catch me before I made it inside. He doesn’t seem to like me moving because when I take another step back his growl grows deeper and his teeth seem to be ready to bite a chunk out of me.

“Dixon, stop that, you’re frightening her.” My head snaps around to see Dakota walking calmly towards me.

“Don’t move, he doesn’t seem to like movement,” I whisper, but I hear Dakota continue towards me. The wolf continues his aggressive vigilance of me.

“I’m going to tell Dash you are scaring his mate,” she says as she comes to stand next to me, suddenly before my eyes I see the wolf transforming into a very naked, handsome man. I don’t know if I gasp, but I’m sure I’m going mad because that didn’t just happen.

“Oh, you’re no fun,” the man says, still standing naked as the day he was born.

“Wha. . .” I clear my throat when my voice is trapped in my throat, “What just happened?” I whisper, still staring at the man.

“Great, now Dash is going to kill you.” Dakota states as she glares at the man, she places her hand on my shoulder, “it’s okay sweetie, it’s just Dixon being a jackass. He didn’t mean to scare you.” I turn my head towards her.

“What are they?” I’m too scared to even contemplate what I will do if she says what I think she will say.

“You mean she still doesn’t know?” Dixon asks as he walks towards us, which has me taking another step back. I don’t care how good-looking he is, I just saw this man transform from a wolf into him, right in front of my very own eyes. He stops when he sees me retreating.

“Will you go get some clothes on, you know how cranky Hunter and Hawk get when you guys parade about naked.” I raise my hand to my heart feeling its erratic beat, no this can’t be true. “Alaska, why don’t we go back to your room and I will call Dash to come and talk to you.” At her words, I tense, Dash! Is Dash like that too?

“What are they?” I whisper for him not to hear me.

“We’re shifters doll, and I can hear you,” he says as he turns to make his way towards where he came from.

“It can’t be true,” I mutter, more to myself than to anyone else.

“I’m afraid it is, but you don’t need to worry Alaska, they are absolutely harmless, and you are now mated to Dash so one of us.” Oh no, no, no, she has just confirmed my biggest fear.

“I can’t be,” I say as I shake my head frantically, “I’m not mate material.” At my words, she grins.