“Fine, but I like my privacy,” she mutters as she looks around, “show me to my room then” at her condescending tone I tense.

“Look here princess, this is no hotel and I’m not your bellboy. It’s our room and good luck with the privacy.” That’s rich coming from her. A woman that takes photos of herself for the world to see says that she likes her privacy, well she should have thought of that privacy before she took on the profession that she has.

“You know, I think this was a mistake,” she mutters as she turns to retract her steps back to the car.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I growl as I drop the bag she brought with, snaking my hands around her waist, I toss her over my shoulder before I bend down and pick up her bag again.

“What are you doing?” she shrieks. Damn, she has a loud voice.

“Quiet, or it will be worse.”

“Dash, put me down,” she orders in a firm voice, but I’m afraid that I’m not very good at taking orders so I quickly make my way up the stairs heading towards my room when I see Onix walking towards us. Onix is Hawks mate and a lawyer by profession, which naturally has her liking to right all wrongs.

As we approach, I see her shocked face before she opens her mouth to comment, but before she can say anything, I stop her. “Not now, Onix, I’ll introduce you to my mate later.” At my words I see the shocked look on her face which tells me that she didn’t know that I have been mated.

“Fine, but have you ever heard that you catch more with honey then vinegar?” I look back to see her raised brow.

“Put me down, you bully,” Alaska says angrily as she starts to kick her legs.

“You go girl,” Onix says with a laugh as she turns to leave, I open the door to our room pulling her off my shoulder I drop her on the ground gently enough not to hurt her but hard enough for her not to think that I’m being careful. Damn woman, why is she being so complicated?

“You’re supposed to be helping me, not manhandling me,” she says angrily as she looks up at me from the floor.

“And you are supposed to be docile and listen to what I say. Guess both of us didn’t get what we wanted.” With those words I turn closing the door behind me, she wanted to be taken to her room well I’ve brought her to our room, now she can stew in there for a while and think about the situation she is in. Maybe she will start listening to me.


What the hell did I get myself into? The man might be a sex God but he’s an obnoxious one. Shaking my head, I look around. Seems like he has good taste at least. Standing from where he dropped me, I can’t believe he did that. I am so furious that I can just scream, but I won’t. I walk towards a door to my left and find a bathroom kitted out with everything anyone could want. Is this a biker’s club or is this a five-star hotel, because this man has a shower in here that I haven’t seen in most five-star hotels?

Walking closer, I see all the nozzle’s that will allow for a full body massage. The bath to the right is a beautiful brass tub, perfect to lie in with a book and a glass of wine. Well, I might not have the wine, or the paperback, but I have the next best thing. Walking back towards where he dropped my bag, I open it to pull out my kindle. His bed is huge, covered in a dark grey Duvet, pillows strewn around the bed like he was in a hurry when he left. Looks like the hardcore biker likes his creature comforts.

Walking back into the bathroom, I start filling the tub. If I must stay here for any length of time I might as well enjoy it. At least I know that whoever has been stalking me won’t get to me here, and I can finally relax. Slipping out of my clothes, I murmur in pleasure when I slide into the bath.

Leaning my head back I close my eyes for a couple of minutes enjoying the heat as it penetrates my skin, relaxing the knots that this day has brought. It feels like I’m on a roller coaster. First, I had to leave the city that I have lived in for years, ever since I started modelling in the hope of getting away from whoever the stalker is. Then I move into a nice quaint little town where I think no trouble will find me, but I’m wrong. Once again, the stalker finds me but behold that isn’t the end of it, I meet a hunk of a man that melts my panties but he’s a complete barbarian. Well, I’m sure things can’t get any worse.

Opening my eyes, I look around. At least things are looking up now. Stretching over to the ground where I left my kindle, I lift it, sighing when I have set it up to continue reading from where I left off. One thing that has kept me sane throughout the years is books. It is the only thing that allows me to get away into my own world for a while.

I don’t know how long I’m in the bath, but when I hear a knock on the bedroom door, I realize that my water is starting to cool. “Just a moment,” I call, as I stand placing the kindle on the ground as I wrap myself in one of Dash’s bath sheets. Walking towards the door, I open it slightly only to see a woman standing on the other side.

“Oh, you were bathing, I’m sorry.” The woman standing before me is stunning, she has the most beautiful auburn hair hanging down her back, her green eyes giving her an exotic look.

“No, it’s okay I was finished, anyway,” I state wondering what this woman would want with me.

“I’m Dakota, I believe that you met Hunter when you arrived.” I think back to the men outside, I believe Dash mentioned the name Hunter, but I was still reeling at his bossiness to have heard the names.

“Maybe,” I murmur, not wanting to seem disrespectful.

“Oh, don’t worry, you will have lots of time to get to know all the guys,” she says with a smile.

“You beat me here.” I turn my head to see the woman that was talking to Dash while he was carrying me over his shoulder, I can feel my cheeks heating in embarrassment knowing that this woman was a witness to that. “Do you think we can come in?” she says when she reaches Dakota and looks back over her shoulder as if making sure that no one sees her. Holding the bath sheet tighter, I slide the door wide for them to enter. Once they walk past I close the door, wondering what these women could possibly want. I have never had a good experience when it comes to women ganging up on one another.

“This here is Onix, she’s Hawk’s mate.” I nod in acknowledgment; I remember her name from earlier. “We want to welcome you to the club, we know it can be a little daunting when you first find out about the guys, but you will see that it becomes totally normal.” What the hell is she talking about?

“Yes, they are all quite fearsome looking.” I’m not sure they will appreciate me telling them that I find their boyfriends handsome, I look at their hands and deduce that they must be boyfriends as both women don’t have wedding rings.

“Wait until you see their wolves, I nearly had a heart attack when Hawk showed me his.” What, they have actual wolves?

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable being around feral animals.” At my words, both women throw back their heads and laugh.