We shouldn’t fucking have to come here, but to keep up appearances we need to make a show of being worried. King fucking thought it would be a great idea that Gunner and I showed our faces and made a fuss about the killings that have been happening in the area. I don’t know why he didn’t send Hawk; after all, he’s the one that promised his woman that he would find the fucker that killed her sister. Damn, I hate being in police stations.

We stop our bikes across the road from the police station; sitting back, I sigh as I take the helmet off and place it on my handlebars. Looking over at Gunner, I see him looking over his shoulder towards the entrance.

“This isn’t cool,” he mutters as he looks over at me, a frown on his face.

“I’ll wait here with the bikes you go in and check,” I say and see him raise his brow.

“Nice try,” he grunts, “but we might as well do this together; the sooner we go in, the sooner we are out of there and on our way.” Most of the cops in town have a bone to pick with us, as they all think we are trash. Being sensitive to people doesn’t always help when we know they despise us, when we can sense their disdain and contempt. People are judgemental, and even though they don’t know us, but just because we are bikers and live a certain lifestyle, they automatically think that we are outlaws.

If they only knew that we actually fight evil they would change their tune, but we aren’t interested in people’s praises and instead like the fact that everyone thinks we are outlaws because that helps our cover. We deliver parcels as a cover, in the meantime acquiring information from our surroundings and others which lead us to real criminals and stopping them.

Grunting I slip off my bike, straightening my kutte as I start making my way towards the station, Gunner falling into step. As we approach, I see two cops that are standing outside talking look our way and tense, “coming to give yourselves in?” one says in a sarcastic tone.

Motherfucker, sometimes I really wish we didn’t have to be so human. Sometimes I would really like to let my wolf loose and teach these assholes a lesson. “There is nothing that we are guilty of,” I mutter as we continue making our way inside. I hear the same asshole mutter ‘yeah right’ as we approach the reception area.

The cop behind the counter frowns when he sees us, but to his credit, he doesn’t comment sarcastically like most of them will do. “Well, what can I do for you boys today?” he asks as he places the palms of his hands on the counter and looks at us steadily.

“We are here to speak to Sergeant Patull,” Gunner states as he leans his hip against the counter, looking back towards the entrance. I see the cop’s inquisitive expression but to his credit he doesn’t comment, instead he picks up the phone and dials.

“Two of the boys from the Wolverine MC are here to see you.” I hear the Sergeant mutter on the phone and then he says he will be down soon. The thing is that we are just here for show because we already know everything that they know, but just for appearances sake we needed to come and show our faces. “He will be down soon,” he mutters as he inclines his head towards the side of the reception. I ignore his subtle tactic for us to get out of this area and simply turn my back on him, looking around at the people that are walking in and out of the station.

I sense eyes on me; turning my head I encounter the eyes of an older man. It is clear that someone attacked him, his face is bruised, his clothes are splattered with blood and it is evident that he is in pain. The fact that some fucker attacked a fragile old man is infuriating, I would like to find the son of a bitch and let him try to attack me. The only problem is that assholes like that only attack those that can’t protect themselves.

“You are here to see me?” I turn my head to see the Sergeant standing on the second step that leads upstairs to the first floor. I nod my head, Gunner steps forward towards him, I see the Sergeant's eyes following his movements.

“We are here to ask if you have found anything else about the killings, and to give you some information that might be useful,” Gunner states, his muscles tense.

“You know I can’t talk about an ongoing case,” he says with a scowl. “If you know something that will help this case, it is your duty to let me know.” I raise a brow as I step forward.

“You know that this fucker killed someone that was important to someone in our club, therefore we will make sure that whoever this asshole is, that he will be caught,” I state looking at the Sargent intensely. He looks at me for a couple of seconds, but then nods as he lifts his hand and points behind him.

“Come with me,” he mutters as he turns, making his way upstairs. Well, at least we got him to listen; now we must just get him to believe us and impart anything that we might not know. He takes us into a meeting room at the entrance to the open area. “Take a seat,” he mutters.

“Well then, what have you got for me?” he asks as he looks at the envelope, I take out of the inside pocket of my Kutte.

“First you, we need to know that this fucker is going to be caught,” I state as I place the envelope on the desk as bait. He looks at the envelope and then up at me, lifting his hand he rubs his jaw in uncertainty but then nods.

“We have discovered that most of the women that we found are women that haven’t been reported missing, which tells us that they were either on the streets or they didn’t have anyone that would miss them for a while.”

“Were the women addicts?” Gunner asks with a frown.

“I’m not saying anything else until you show me what you have,” he says with a frown. I place my hand on the envelope and start to slide it over to him, stopping just before it’s in front of him.

“As you know Linda was one of our women’s sister, she came here looking for her. When we started to search for her, we realized that she was hanging out with the Hades MC.” At my comment I see a flicker on his face which tells me that he has been looking into them too. Pushing the envelope, the rest of the way I then pull my hand back leaving the envelope in front of him.

“As you know Hades and Wolverine MC don’t always see eye to eye, therefore we make sure to keep an eye on them. Those photos you have in that envelope are of all the women we have captured in photos with them. We’re not sure if any of them are the women that you guys found, but one we know for certain is.” As a matter of fact, we do know that at least four of them are as we have all the intel that we could get from what they have uploaded onto the system. What we don’t know is if there are any leads that they might have. He is about to open the envelope when my hand shoots out again and I place it on top of the envelope, stopping him from opening it. His eyes snap up to mine, “all we ask is that you keep us in the loop, if you find that it is a Hades MC member than we might be able to help you more than you might find by yourself.” I take my hand away and nod for him to now open the envelope.

He frowns as he opens the envelope and pulls out the stack of photos that we printed for him. As he starts flipping through the photos, I see his eyes widen slightly when he sees women that were among the ones that were killed.

“Are there any other women on there that are victims besides Linda?” Gunner asks as he inclines his head towards the photos. I can see him pondering on what he is going to say as he looks up at us, we are hoping that he will decide to collaborate with us, but if he doesn’t, then we will just have to find this fucker ourselves with no help from the police. To be honest, I would rather leave them out of it, but King wants to make sure that we don’t become suspects.

“How would you be able to help me?” he asks with a raised brow, not answering Gunner’s question.

“First you tell us what we want to know and then we will tell you,” I mutter, feeling a strange sense of urgency suddenly. The prickling on the back of my neck makes me look behind me, but there is nothing there except the wall. Something has my wolf’s hackles rising in agitation, and it's not just because we are in a police station, even though that has me irritated.

“Fine, yes, there are another three or four women here that could be victims,” he states.