“Like if you missed me?”

“Don’t you think your head is big enough? I don’t think your ego can get any more inflated.” I quip seeing him grin, he has been wonderful with me these couple of days. Patient and caring, never forcing anything but always there supporting me.

“That isn’t the only thing that is inflated, he murmurs against my neck with a low growl.” My body reacts to this man like honey to a bee. I feel every fibre of my being alive, ready for his touch, for his kisses, his loving.

“You want to take me inside?” I whisper and see his eyes darken as he looks at me.

“Are you sure, I don’t want to push you.” Since telling me about Linda’s death that we haven’t had sex and to be honest I have been missing that connection with him.

“Youarenot pushing me.” I murmur as I lift my hand to his neck but before I can touch, he has his hands again under my ass and is lifting me. My legs move around his waist, he starts to walk towards the house, I lower my head to his neck kissing over the faded bruising of his initiation mark.

“You are playing with fire.” He grunts hurrying up the stairs.

“Promises, promises.” I tease, one minute I’m wrapped around him rushing up the stairs the next I am against the wall and his body is flush against my body. His lips are over mine, and he is kissing every thought right out of my mind.

His hand is over my breast, stroking, massaging. I feel my nipples pebbling, sensitive to his touch. I feel his cock hard against me, rubbing as I move against him. His head suddenly raises, and he growls, “Hawk.” I murmur.

“Fuck.” he grunts.

“What’s wrong?” I ask as I look up at him.

“Stay here!”Heorders as he steps back, he is about to turn when I grab his arm.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“There are Hades approaching,” he says, “Stay in the room.”Hesays before he leaves, which has me frowning. Since when do I hide like a scaredy cat? Taking in a deep breath I make my way out of the room and down the stairs.

“Is it true?”AsI get to the bottom of the stairs Sam comes from the kitchen.


“Is it the Hades outside?” I can hear the fear in her voice, I can just imagine what knowing that men that hurt her are close.

“Yes, I think it is true.” She pales at my comment, “you don’t need to worry Sam, the men are all outside to meet them, they won’t hurt anyone.” She nods.

“Did you go to the police after the men got you back from them?”Atmy question I see the surprise on her face.

“The police wouldn’t do anything about it, they would just say that I got what I deserved.” I approach her, it is more important to have this conversation then going outside to see what is happening.

“That’s not true Sam, it is their job to make sure that the guilty are caught and not to judge.” I see a tearstreamdown her face, in a way Sam is still young and for those men to do what they did to her, building her fear until she fears her own shadow. Lifting my hand, I rub the tear away from her cheek.

“You are such a strong beautiful woman, don’t let them take that away from you.” I say as I throw my arms around her and hug her close, at first, she stands stiffly but then slowly she lifts her arms and hugs me back. “Now,let'sgo out there and show those bastards that they didn’t beat you.” I step back and see the look of terror on her face.

“They will kill me.” She murmurs.

“No sweetie, they won’t. I will be by your side all the time.” I can see the fear in her face, I am just about to tell her she doesn’t have to worry about it when she nods.

“You will be by me?” I nod as I take her hand, we turn making our way towards the entrance. I can hear the men talking before I step outside. I see Hawk glance back and glare at me, but he doesn’t move. There are four men that are standing by their bikes with the Hades Kutte on. I can feel Sam’s hand trembling in mine, but she stands with her chin up and her back tensed.

“If you don’t stop interfering in our business, we will burn this fucking place down.” The man standing in front says.

“You can try.” King answers with a shrug.

“What the fuck do you want King?”Heasksangrily.

“I want you to stop with the drugs intown, and I want you to stop trafficking women and children. Can you do that?”Theman to his left laughs in mock amusement.

“You are mad, what has any of it got to do with you?”