“It’s either a coincidence, which I doubt, or The Lucaya Group put that girl in the container to start a war. Find out what that girl is hiding. She’s keeping something from you. The information might lead us to Drake.”

“The threat of turning her over to Declan might scare her straight. I’ll see what I can get out of her.”

Luca opened the bathroom door and poked his head inside before entering. He moved beside me in front of the sink and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Are we good?”

I nodded. “Just getting a few details straight with Sonny.”

“We leave in five,” he said before exiting the room.



Istared out the airplane's window at the beautiful Italian coastal town. Calabria looked like something out of a magazine.

Picture perfect.

I sat between Luca and Bastian on the sofa with their hands on my thighs. Damian was across from us at the table with Marcello.

"We have to get Drake back," I whispered to no one in particular, wondering what I would do if someone captured my husbands.

Luca slipped his fingers between mine. "We'll find him, Drea. Don't worry about Drake. He's trained to withstand just about anything."

I snapped my head at him. "They're going to torture him until they get what they want. And then, they'll kill him."

"The Knights go through months of hell to become a member. Trust me, baby girl, Drake can handle it."

Marcello typed on his laptop, his fingers flying across the keys. He'd been on that thing from the moment we got on the plane. With Drake out of commission, Marcello was the only one who had the computer skills to track him. Thankfully, Drake had been teaching Marcello for years. And my hubby was a good student.

"How did they blow up Drake's lab at Battle Industries?" I asked, still in disbelief over the situation. "Drake has more security at his headquarters than a military base."

"I don't know, baby." Luca ran his hand over my stomach. "Marcello is looking into it now. We should know something soon."

"I'm almost in," Marcello said with his eyes on the screen. "Drake activated Battle King protocol. So Lovelace locked everyone out of the system." He tapped his fingers on the table. "I'm just waiting for Cole to give me the authorization."

I leaned against Luca, and he wrapped his arm around me. "They took Drake and his head of security? Did they get anyone else?"

Marcello glanced at me. "No, just the two of them. But Drake is in good hands with Tate. He's a Marine and can handle himself. I wouldn't be surprised if they escape before we get to them."

My stomach twisted into knots at his words. "We?"

"I have to go after them, princess." His expression turned to stone as he focused on me. "I'm in charge of Alpha Command. I have to lead my team."

I could see right through him.

Marcello didn't want me to worry.

"What will you do with the girl Sonny found in the Mac Corp shipping container?"

Luca scrubbed a hand across his jaw, his pretty blue eyes aimed at me. "She's the daughter of Cian Doyle. That gives the Knights leverage over the Irish Mob."

"Sonny will find out what she's hiding," Marcello said as he went back to typing on the laptop. "The daughters of powerful men don't show up in shipping containers for no reason. Someone put her there on purpose."

"Finding Drake is our number one priority." Luca stuffed his cell phone into his jacket pocket. "Then we'll worry about the Irish." His fingers brushed over my belly, something he did at least a hundred times a day. "Let us handle this, okay?"

I loved how much he took care of our babies and me. He was so sweet and loving, despite his cold exterior.

"What am I supposed to do? As the Queen of the Knights, I want to help Drake. He risked his life to get me back from the island. And he's always been there for me."