“Hey, it’s not the Ritz Carlton,” Sonny tossed back with a chuckle. “But it will do until I find a better place for her. I can’t take her home.”

She wouldn’t be welcome at the Cormac Compound. Sonny’s mom was the sister of Declan O’Shea, a crime boss from Beacon Bay. Handing over this girl would have been a death sentence. And since we had a hard rule about hurting women or children, there was no way we would give her up without cause.

“What’s her name?”

Sonny took a puff of his cigar. “Ella.”

Ella Doyle.

Aiden spoke about her a few months ago. He ran into Ella at The River Styx, the bar in Beacon Bay owned by The Serpents. They got drunk and hooked up. But he hadn’t mentioned her since.

“Ask Aiden to talk to her,” I suggested.


“Because he knows her.”

“Shit,” Sonny grunted into the phone. “What’s he doing with the enemy’s daughter?”

“He didn’t know who she was until after he fucked her.”

A chair creaked in the background as Sonny spoke. “I don’t think she knows anything. But it’s suspicious that she ends up in a shipping container owned by my family. Don’t you think?”

I rose from the toilet seat and stood in front of the mirror, pushing my messy black hair into place. Alex loved my wild, untamed look. Luca yelled at me throughout our childhood because of my unkempt appearance. He said I looked like a slob, like I didn’t give a fuck—because I didn’t.

“Whoever put Ella there knew someone from your family would find her.”

“It’s not just that,” Sonny interjected, concern clouding his tone. “I found her in a container with guns for Declan.”

“Well, that changes the game.”

“Sure does,” Sonny commented. “Whoever put her there did it with the intention of Declan finding her. They didn’t know I checked each container before letting the owners go through the contents.”

“I wonder what they were hoping to gain tossing her in there.”

Sonny sighed. “I’m wondering if it’s Killian Madden.”

Killian Madden was as crazy as they came and ran a much smaller operation than Cian Doyle and Declan O’Shea. He was known for the cruelest and most unusual punishments. Even conversing with him was like stepping through a portal into another world. He was as crazy as the Mad Hatter and even made people solve riddles in exchange for his help.

So I could see somebody like Killian putting the girl in the container to fuck with Declan.

But why?

“What time was Drake ambushed?” I asked.

“Drake hit the emergency button on his watch around six thirty, I think.”

“I need the exact time, Son.”

“Six forty-eight Central Time.”

“And what time did you find Cian’s daughter?”

“Hold on. I have to go through the logs at the port.” Sonny paused for a moment. “Seven forty-eight Eastern Time.”

“So, the same moment you opened the container, they took Drake.”

“Yeah, fuck.” Sonny tapped what sounded like his fist onto a hard surface. “What do you think this means?”