He was scared.

So was Luca.

As expected, Luca retreated to his office and locked the door. He hadn’t slept since our first night home. Luca would never admit it aloud, but he needed Marcello.

All of us relied on him.

Without Marcello, our relationship with Alex didn’t work. He balanced out the darkest parts of us. Alex would have run from Devil’s Creek years ago if not for him. Marcello was the reason we were lucky enough to call her our wife.

So he had to live.

I waited until everyone was asleep and snuck out of the house, flooring the gas to Beacon Bay. The Ferrari hugged the corners as I whipped through the streets, which were desolate at this hour.

My resolve was fading.

In times of stress, I always sought the comfort of my kill room.

It was my special place.

My family said they were proud of me for curbing my dark desires. Everyone thought I had my issues under control. In some respects, I did.

But I still had urges.

On occasion, I had to deal with a body for the Knights. It was inevitable with The Lucaya Group breathing down our necks. I had to dispose of the men they sent after Drake several times. I couldn’t deny that I still enjoyed taking a man’s life, especially sick and depraved ones.

They deserved to die.

I didn’t feel bad.

Luca knew I needed an outlet for my creativity. Sometimes, he would surprise me with a local pedophile or some sick bastard who needed to pay for his sins. They were always evil men who did horrible things to innocent people.

A justified kill.

I parked in front of the abandoned apartment building and flew up the stairs. It had been a few months since I’d gotten the chance to get away from the Salvatore Estate. With Alex out cold from the drugs, she wouldn’t know I left the house.

No reason to worry.

She knew I occasionally killed people. I never hid that part of myself from her. But I didn’t want Alex to see me like this. Because if she had, she would have known I feared for Marcello’s life. That would start up her panic, inducing even more anxiety.

I opened the front door, locking it behind me, and raced up the stairs. A childlike excitement washed over me as I walked down the second-floor hallway. The same feeling coursed through my veins every time I entered the building.

It was like a drug.

My addiction.

I replaced the high I got from killing with Alex. She had been my obsession since high school. When I tasted her, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Imagining what it would be like to mark every inch of her body. I spent every waking hour dreaming about my pretty little pet.

As I strolled down the hallway toward the last apartment on the right, I heard noises from beneath a door. So I turned the doorknob and stood in the entryway, shocked by what I found on the other side.

A blonde girl with big tits was on top of Aiden Wellington. She screamed like a fucking porn star as she rode him into the couch. Sonny Cormac was naked and on the cushion beside them, biting her neck and tugging her nipple.

The container girl.

Ella Doyle.

Marcello told us about Aiden’s history with the girl. That he met her at The River Styx and fucked her one night after the bar closed. Aiden was supposed to talk to Ella—not fuck her again.

I knew Aiden and Sonny were friends. But I had no idea they were this close. None of the Knights had ever seemed interested in sharing a woman. Two years ago, Aiden was against Alex’s relationship with the four of us. But now that he was used to it and realized we made her happy, he wasn’t so uptight about it anymore.