“Time for your bath, Pet.” Damian hunched down beside her and rubbed the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip. “It’s getting late. You need rest.”

She let out a soft moan as he touched her. Damian only needed to enter a room, and she was like a dog in heat.

It should have bothered me, maybe even set off my jealousy. But Alex got things from each of us the other couldn’t give her. That was the reason our relationship worked so well.

Each of us had strengths. The other made up for our weaknesses. Between the four of us, we were one amazing husband. But separately, we wouldn’t have been able to keep her happy.

I often spoke without thinking it through, which led to fights. Damian was impulsive and slightly unhinged. Sometimes, his mental illness spiraled Alex’s issues out of control. Bastian couldn’t separate fact from feelings and made decisions based on emotion, not logic. Marcello was too nice, too sweet. Alex would have gotten bored with him after a while.

She needed all of us.

And we needed each other.

Alex slipped her fingers between Damian’s. He lifted her from the chair, sliding his arm behind her back. Her eyes wandered from Bash to me.

“You can stay and finish your painting,” Alex said to Olivia.

Olivia rose from the chair and laughed. “No, that’s okay.” She pointed at her canvas, which looked like she flung paint at it. “I’m tired. And I have to get up early to handle one of Drake’s overseas investments.”

She did more for Drake than I had realized. I would never let my assistant handle business affairs on my behalf.

Alex gave Olivia a one-arm hug. “Goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning.”

After we parted ways with Olivia, we headed to Alex’s bathroom. She still shared the space with Damian, even after all these years. It used to give her anxiety knowing he was in the room next door, and now it brought her comfort.

I leaned over the tub and ran my hand under the water to find the perfect temperature while Bastian helped Alex strip off her clothes. He kissed every inch of her bare skin, focusing on her stomach.

She was so beautiful.

Damian raised the teacup to her lips. Alex loved camomile tea because it soothed her nerves.

“Good girl, Pet.” Damian rubbed circles on her back with his fingers. “Drink up.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off Alex and our babies growing inside her. In less than one month, our boys would be here. The wait was killing me.

Alex raised her hand and beckoned me with her finger. “Luca, come here.”

I inched closer. “Yes, my queen?”

“What are the three of you up to?” Alex inspected my face for a lie, then turned her gaze on my brothers. “I know when you’re keeping things from me.”

I took the teacup from Damian’s hand and made her take a few more sips until she finished the liquid. “Drea, Marcello is trapped in a cave.”

I blurted it out and didn’t bother to sugarcoat it. Honesty was the best policy.

A gasp slipped past her lips. “What? No.” Tears leaked from her bottom lids and streaked her cheeks. “He promised me…”

Clutching her chest, she bent forward, overwhelmed by the news.

I got on my knees in front of her and wrapped my arms around her. “Baby, we will find Marcello. I promise our kids will grow up with four fathers. Cole and Alpha Command are digging Marcello out as we speak.”

Damian clutched Alex’s right shoulder and kissed her cheek. “It’s going to be okay,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. “Give it some time. Marcello will be home by the time you wake up.”

Alex glanced up at him, and he swiped at the tears falling. “Do you promise?”

“None of us can make that promise,” Bash cut in, standing on her other side, his long fingers trailing down her arm.

“Is he alive? Have any of you talked to him?”