
Alex snored beside me, and I was thankful for that. Ignorance was bliss. I had a horrible feeling Marcello was in danger.

With my phone in hand, I slipped out of bed and waited a minute to ensure Alex wouldn't wake up. She purred with her hand on her stomach, a smile on her beautiful face. Even in sleep, she looked so damn peaceful.


I crept into the hallway and called Bastian. He answered on the first ring, and I told him to get Damian and meet me in my office.

Two minutes later, my brothers entered the room dressed in boxers, their hair disheveled. They looked like they had been fucking around again, which didn't surprise me all that much. Ever since the two came out officially about their relationship, they seemed to go at it like rabbits.

My brothers sat in the oversized leather chairs across from me in front of the fireplace. I drank from the snifter in my hand, eying them up, the scotch burning as it slid down my throat.

I tipped my head and gestured for them to pour a glass.

They would need it.

"I haven't heard from Marcello," I said between sips.

Bastian filled a glass and drank from it. "We knew this was risky."

"Is there any way to communicate with his team?" Damian asked.

"I can't reach them."

"It could be the location." Bastian leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Maybe they're out of signal range."

"I guess it's possible, but they're using satellite phones."

"They were going into a cave," Damian pointed out. "Technology isn't always reliable." He sipped from the glass and set it on the table. "Where's Alex?"

I lit a cigar and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Sleeping."

"She doesn't know Marcello is in danger?"

I shook my head. "No, not yet. But she'll ask questions if we don't find him before she wakes up."

"What are we going to do?" Bastian said with concern dripping from his tone. "I'm not about to sit around here and hope for the best and pray they come home."

"They could be dead," Damian whispered.

The three of us sat silently for a moment, not wanting to think about the possibility. For years, I hated Marcello. But after our mother died, I made a promise to her and kept it.

I looked out for him.

I watched over him.

Now, we shared everything—Alex, our children, our business, our home, everything. Losing Marcello wouldn't just kill Alex. It would destroy everything we built together.

It would kill all of us.



With Cole’s help, I tapped into Lovelace’s interface and got a rough idea of where The Lucaya Group was keeping Drake and Tate. We knew we were walking into a trap.

But what choice did we have?