I propped myself on my elbows and kissed her lips, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth.

Alex was the first and only woman I ever kissed. Until I met her, I never felt the need to show a woman affection. I didn't see the point in intimacy. But now that she was mine, I couldn't stop kissing her.

My skin felt as if it were on fire. And as my orgasm slowly built inside me, a heat wave swept over me. Alex screamed my name when I rolled my thumb over her clit, stealing another orgasm from her.

After her second orgasm, I came hard and fast, my legs shaking from the intensity. I kissed Alex once more, and then she slid off me, laying on her side, staring at me as if the universe revolved around me.

I threaded my fingers through her curls, crushing her mouth with a passionate kiss. "You're the only person who makes my black heart beat." I clutched her wrist and moved her hand over my heart. "I say you're mine, Drea. But I belong to you."

In the past, everything was a game with us. Neither of us would ever relinquish complete control, which forced me to assert my dominance over her.

Alex was right about me winning. Even though I had to share her with my brothers, she was still mine.

My wife.

I grabbed a book from the nightstand, and Alex curled up beside me with her hand on her belly. Our nightly ritual. She bathed and drank camomile tea, and then I read to our sons.

I couldn't wait to be a dad again.

It was different with the twins because they were biologically mine. Of course, I loved Sofia. She was my daughter, too. But she would always have a connection to Damian she would never have with the rest of us.

We agreed to tell the kids which of us fathered them when they were old enough to understand our family was different. Not that it would ever matter, but we figured it would help to explain our unusual situation. Kids at school would never understand why our children had four fathers. Their friends would have questions.

Alex laid her head on a stack of pillows, and I pressed my lips to her stomach. I loved seeing her pregnant with my boys. If she thought I was possessive over her before, it would only get worse when the twins were born.

Alex groaned when they kicked her again. "They like the sound of your voice. I think they're ready to meet their dad."

I laid my hand on Alex's stomach and said hello to my baby boys, feeling them move inside her belly. "I can't wait to see them. I'm dying to know if they'll look like you or me."

"They're Salvatores. Our boys will grow up to be strong and smart and powerful. Just like their fathers."

I cracked open the book and slid down the bed so I could speak against her stomach. We repeated the same process every night. I would go to my brother's room to find her if she weren't with me. Every night, I read at least a few chapters to my boys. I wanted them to feel connected to me like they were to their mother.

I readCharlie and the Chocolate Factoryby Roald Dahl, one of my favorite books as a child. My mother had read it to Marcello and me.

We loved it.

I spent most of my childhood in the library, devouring books while Marcello played with G.I. Joe's. We were different in so many ways. And I wondered what similarities my sons would share.

Or would they be as different as Marcello and me? Would they be fraternal or identical twins? How would they look and sound?

Alex brushed her fingers through my hair as I finished the first chapter. Her eyes were half open, but she was still looking at me.

After I read the first three chapters of the book, Alex nodded off. I put the book down, feeling the effects of the past day weighing heavily on me.

Drake was missing.

Our perfect honeymoon was interrupted by another nightmare. It was like we could never catch a break. We couldn't even get married without having a shootout at the ceremony.

Nothing in our life was simple and probably never would be. But now that we were bringing children into this corrupt world, I wanted to shield them. Protect them from all the horrors of our life.

I worried about Marcello.

It had been at least two hours since he arrived at the location. If all went well, I should have heard from him. They should have been on their way home with Drake and Tate by now.

And yet, radio silence.

I set the book on the nightstand and scrolled through my phone, checking messages and emails. Not a single word. So I sent a group message to the team and waited a few minutes.