“Then there we have it. Let’s call him in.” Dom claps in a let’s-get-this-going motion.
Carm grabs a drink from my mini fridge before putting his feet on the edge of my desk and cracking open the soda.
“Get your feet off my desk,” I say, pushing them down.
“You’re so touchy today.” He sips his drink. “Let’s bring the guy in.”
“How about I handle it?” Annie offers. “I don’t think he’s going to agree when her three large brothers are staring down at him.”
Dom looks at me, and we both shrug. “True.”
“Why don’t we double date with them?” Carm says to Annie.
She looks at me, and I inhale. She asked me not to say anything, but I really want to knock my brother out right now for this little fishing expedition.
“That’s not a good idea,” Annie says sweetly.
“Because you’re fucking my brother?”
“Carm, for Christ’s sake.” I stand, my chair rolling to the window. Anger coats my vision. I cannot believe he said that. What if I wasn’t fucking my assistant? Then what?
Dom smacks the back of Carm’s head. “Please forgive our younger brother. He’s lost all sense of propriety.” Dom gives him the lethal look I’m sure has made more than one trader down on Wall Street piss their pants.
To my surprise, Annie giggles. “It’s okay. I am fucking your brother.” She sounds so cool and calm, even my mouth is hanging open. “But mum’s the word, okay?”
Shit. I’m floored.
Dom raises his eyebrows at me.
“So the whole metaphor about the water cooler… you were really talking about water?” Carm asks, circling his finger between Annie and me.
“Carm, piss off.” I push a hand through my hair.
Carm laughs. “Is that any way to talk to your brother?”
I shake my head, exasperated.
“This is so interesting.” The grin on Carm’s face means trouble. “Are you going to come to Sunday dinner this week?”
“Shut it,” I say.
“Okay, so you’re going to fix Blanca up with that guy? He looks nice. Right?” Thank God for Dom’s interruption.
“Jake’s very nice and respectable. I’ve never met Blanca, but I can’t imagine a girl not liking Jake.”
“Then why is he single?” I ask, a hot poker of jealousy stabbing me in the chest.
“I don’t know. It’s none of my business,” Annie says.
“Thank you, Annie. You’ve done more for us than Enzo. If you ever need anything, let me know.” Dom moves toward the door and turns the handle. The man is constantly on the go.
“Well, there is one thing,” Annie says.
Dom stops and shuts the door.
She eyes me, and her smirk says she’s going to ask something embarrassing about me. “How often does Enzo lose at rock, paper, scissors?”
My brothers look at one another and laugh.