“I’ll see you Monday,” I say, slipping into my shoes.
I turn.
He stares at me for a moment, and I wish I knew him well enough to read him, but I don’t. “Thanks for your honesty. I never would have wanted to hurt you.”
“You’re welcome.”
I lug my bag over my shoulder then walk out the door. I squeeze my eyes shut. You’re doing the right thing. There’s no future behind that door. He’s told you that himself. He doesn’t want anything serious. You’re looking at a long line of unanswered texts and phone calls. You’ll grow attached and he’ll probably be sleeping with other girls when you’re not available.
After forcing myself to take the excruciating steps toward the elevator, I press the down button, glancing back at the empty hallway and closed door. Maybe I’m being stupid. He’s always treated me nicely. Maybe I could change him. Make him want those things. No, a man like Enzo is bound to get bored at some point and want to move on.
The elevator arrives and I step on, looking one more time at the desolate hallway.
“Bye, Enzo,” I whisper, and the doors slide shut.
By the time I reach the lobby, his doorman stands to round the desk. “Miss Stewart?”
“Mr. Mancini called down. He’d like you to wait.”
I laugh. Of course he did. So he can pitch some idea he’s brilliantly thought of in the last two minutes about why he and I aren’t a terrible idea? He can try to sell me like he does his clients. And I’ll fall for it just like they do because he’s excellent at his job. Probably convince me I don’t want to date him, and before I know it, I’ll be half naked in the elevator with my lips on his.
“Please tell Mr. Mancini I’m tired and I had to go.” I circle through the doors, ignoring his protest.
Turning right, I walk down the street and flag down my own taxi.
“Annie!” Enzo yells from behind me.
I turn in the direction of his building. He’s jogging toward me in his bare feet.
I put out my palm before he can get close. “Don’t feel bad. This isn’t some kind of romance movie. You don’t have to come running after me.”
“Just shut up and stop being so damn stubborn.” His hands grab each side of my face and he presses his lips to mine. Our tongues glide together, and he strips his mouth from mine. “I’ll try, okay? Is that enough? You’re not going to be just some girl I hit up when I want to screw. I can’t promise you anything, but I promise to explore this. Really explore it.”
“Stop overthinking everything. You’re not that girl for me. You’re different.”
I place my hands over his on my cheeks. “So you want to date one another?”
“Yes. I’ll take you to the movies, to Broadway shows, to dinner. Anywhere you want. I just… I want you.”
“The minute you get sick of…”
“You can go.” He grabs my bag, shuts the taxi door, and bangs on the roof. He links his hand in mine and we walk back to his condo.
The taxi drives off as my footsteps pause. “Enzo…” I sigh.
“Are you doing this just because you want to sleep with me?”
He drops my hand and guides me to the side of the building. “I want to sleep with you right now. Hell, I get hard just thinking about you. Especially after last night. But I ran down here because I want you in my life. And if dating you is the only way I can have you, then I’m going to date you.”
He puts his fingers to my mouth. “Let me prove it, okay? There’s no way I can convince you right now. Just give me time to prove it.”
How can I argue? He’s right. I could fight and fight, but the man has surprised me the entire time I’ve gotten to know him.
I might be ridiculous to believe him, but now that he’s laid it on the line, I have to go in with two feet. He’s never given me a reason to doubt him.