“Appears so. Is that a problem?”

“No. I don’t like to sleep by the door, but it’s okay.” I’m totally joking, but he doesn’t have to know that.

“You want me to move?”

“Could we play rock, paper, scissors for it?”

His arm falls off his face, and he props himself up on his elbows to give me the look of death. Like he legit wants me to fall to the floor and die in his presence.

My laugh bubbles up before I can stop it. “I’m sorry.”

He crawls off the bed and on to the one closest to the door. “You’ve been waiting to use that line, haven’t you?”

“Maybe.” I shrug and go into the bathroom to put my stuff away. “Don’t fall asleep on me,” I holler from the bathroom.

When he doesn’t respond, I peek around the corner. His arm is off his eyes and they’re closed. I run over, hop on the bed, and jump on it, but I lose my footing on the comforter, slip, and land right on top of him.

His eyes pop open.

“Oh good.” I pat his stubbled cheek. “You need to stay up.”

Unfortunately, as I try to slide off him, I realize something else is up.