“Airport,” I snap at the driver. I push the button for the partition and turn my attention to Annie. “Talk.”

She grants me a fleeting look. “No. It has nothing to do with my job at Jacobson and Earl. I don’t have to share the details with you.”

She’s right, but I thought we’d developed a friendship, or at the very least a coworker relationship, since we started working together.

“Please, Enzo, don’t tell anyone.” Her eyes prick with wetness before she stares out the window.

That “Please, Enzo” doesn’t have the same effect it did weeks ago. This time, I want to murder whoever is making her upset.

Why is she crying after being offered a job? Crap, is it me? I’m so out of my wheelhouse right now.

“I won’t.”

Silence descends over us and stays as we get out of the limo, walk up the stairway to the Jacobson and Earl jet. We situate ourselves across from one another. The flight attendant asks us if we’d like a drink. Annie kindly declines, and I order a scotch neat. A half hour later, we’re up in the air and Annie’s head rests on her seat as she stares out the window.

I desperately want to tell her to talk to me. Tell me why she declined. Was it a crappy offer? Why is she so upset about it? Why is she closing me out, and where is the free-spirited girl from Central Park? The girl I almost kissed because she made me forget myself. Instead, I drink my scotch and return emails, sneaking a peek at her once in a while.

Mid-flight, the attendant comes over, picks up my glass, and asks if I’d like another. I decline, and as she walks back to the hidden bar, the plane dips and she loses her balance. The glass falls from her hand, shattering on the floor.

I unclip my seatbelt to help her get up and pick up the shards of glass. Annie moves to unclip hers too, but the flight attendant puts up her hand for Annie to stop and instructs me to go back to my seat.

There’s a beeping sound coming from the phone outside the cockpit.

I ignore the flight attendant’s warning because I can handle myself. If she falls on this glass, it’s bad for all of us.

She answers the phone and I hear it in her voice. Something’s not right.

I deposit the shards of glass in the garbage. On my way to pick up more, the plane tips to one side, and I knock my head on the corner of the restroom wall, knocking me on my ass.

“Enzo!” Annie screeches and rushes over to me. She touches my forehead. “You’re bleeding.” Her fingers are coated with bright red blood.

“Here.” The flight attendant hands her some tissues.

“Are you okay?” she asks, staring into my eyes.

Annie’s mouth keeps moving, but I can’t hear her. The flight attendant nudges our shoulders to get us up. Annie stands, holding out her hand for me, and I follow, but all I can really see is her eyes. The pure soul that lives inside her. No wonder Blair wanted her. Who wouldn’t?

We sit down, and Annie continues to hold tissues to my forehead after we strap in.

“We’re making an emergency landing,” the flight attendant says and steps over the glass to her seat on the other side of the wall from us.

Annie’s eyes cloud with worry. If I could form a coherent thought, I’d tell her it’s all going to be okay, but my mind is a jumbled mess. The only consistent thought running through my head is how does Annie taste? Why am I willing to ignore the fact that I feel something for a woman for the first time in years? Maybe even ever. She intrigues me, and I know she likes me. At least the way I look. She might still think I’m a prick. No, she said in Central Park she thought I was great.

Without weighing any more shit in my head, my hand covers hers where it’s pressing the tissue to my head and I lean forward, my lips hovering over hers.

“What are you doing?” she asks softly.

“Giving us what we both want.”

Our lips meet, and it’s like nothing I’ll ever forget. My stomach dips, my lips tingle, and when she’s the one to slide her tongue along the seam of my lips, my dick twitches. I want to unbuckle both of us, drag her into my lap, and kiss her until I’m a breath away from dying.

My hand slides to the back of her head and I deepen our kiss, my tongue seeking hers. Not knowing if she’s going to knee me in the balls or not after this, I take the opportunity to do what I’ve been thinking about for weeks. I suck her bottom lip into my mouth, scraping my teeth against her flesh. Her strangled moan makes me do it a second time. She wraps her hand around my stretched arm, clinging and holding onto it as though she’d protest if I tried to stop the kiss.

The tires of the plane hit the runway, and the plane bounces up and back down. I slow our kiss when I realize we’re on the ground.

I just lost control of myself.

We move back a bit and stare into one another’s eyes. She blinks then releases my arm and sits back in her seat, so pale it looks as if she’s seconds from throwing up.

Perfect. Just the reaction a guy wants.