“Oh, I don’t know… every time you run into him.”

He laughs. “I’ll be on my best behavior.” He kisses me again, and I really wish we could head down the hall to my bedroom.

Once Dom pulls away, I say, “He just got engaged.”

“Really?” His eyebrows just about hit his hairline.


“And you’re okay with that?” He studies me for a second, so I wrap both arms around his neck.

“Yes,” I draw my answer out. Will he ever believe me?

“Good. See you tonight, wife.” He presses his body to mine, pushing me back into the counter. Our hands cling to one another and his tongue dives into my mouth.

I trail my hand down his chest and below his belly button. “You should just be late.”

He chuckles and steps back. “Believe me, I could stay in bed with you all day, but then we’d be poor.”

He walks out of my condo and I touch my lips, remembering the feel of him.

It isn’t until ten minutes later, after I clean up the kitchen from breakfast, that I notice the ring is gone. He took it? Why would he do that?

Because he doesn’t want you to wear it, dumbass.I push that nasty thought out of my head and get ready for the day.

* * *

Fall is approachingand we’re experiencing colder than normal temperatures. I sit in the stands of the football field with a blanket over my lap. Ryder’s team is warming up while the cheerleaders practice on the sidelines. All of it brings a sense of nostalgia. How many times did I sit in the stands and watch Dom play while Lulu cheered?

I’d watch as the girls waited outside the school for the players to come out of the locker room. I lingered too and watched Dom thank all the girls for coming. He’d always give me a hug and thank me for showing up. Sometimes we’d go to a party together, just to separate once we were there, or if they’d lost, we’d drive somewhere and talk or make out. Our on-and-off-again relationship always made me feel as though Dom kept me in his back pocket.

“Hey.” Max approaches rubbing his palms together and takes the seat next to me.

I move my purse to the other side to save a spot for Dom. This should be interesting, but the two of them will have to learn to coexist at some point. “Hi.”

“It’s so damn cold.” He clenches his fists and blows onto them.

“Uh-huh.” I glance at the gate where people are coming in. Still no Dom.

“Did you hear the news?” Max asks.

I shift to look at him. “I did.”



“Thanks.” The corners of his smile almost reach his earlobes.

“She’s young.”

“That’s what’s so great about her.”

I roll my eyes. I won’t say that I give them a year. They might not even see the wedding. But I can’t say much when I’m married to a man I’m sneaking in and out of my bedroom.

“Ryder told me how Dom and his brothers have helped him out these past couple Sundays. I wish I could be there, but I was stuck in bum-fuck nowhere for the show.”

Max can’t show Ryder anything because he ran cross country in high school, but I’m not going to call him out on his shit. Knowing him, he was holed up in the hotel room his work was paying for with his new fiancée.