He shrugs. “So you and Dom?”

I shift on the mattress. “Yes, but there’s more I have to tell you.”

“I know.”

“You do?” I messed this up good. I should’ve known he’d find out. “You saw that blog?”

“Dad slipped.” He shrugs like what else did I expect.

I tighten my fists. Asshole.

“Do I have to call him dad?” He looks at me with a smirk so similar to his father’s, I’m surprised it makes me laugh.


He nudges me in the shoulder. “You could’ve told me. I’m almost sixteen, Mom. I’m over the idea of you and Dad getting back together. Besides, I like Dom. He’s always been cool whenever I’ve seen him over the years.”

“I know, but it was Vegas and I was…”

“Wasted?” He raises an eyebrow.

I push him in the shoulder. “I had a few drinks.”

“It’s okay. Nonna’s talked about you and Dom before. He makes you happy.”

Did I really raise my son to be so great?

“Well, she’s always put him on a pedestal.”

He shrugs. “I’m good with it, but I don’t want to walk in on the two of you again. I’ll be reliving that moment with my shrink twenty years from now.”

I chuckle and squeeze his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d be home tomorrow.”

“But the couch? How can I sit there ever again? Just keep it in your bedroom.”

I look at my fingers. “Can we not talk about that at all?”

“I’d prefer it that way.”

I smile. “So tell me about Europe. What did you see? What country did you love the most?” I get comfortable on his bed, crossing my legs.

He glances at the door. “Did Dom leave?”

I nod.

“He didn’t have to.”

“It’s fine. We’ll see him tomorrow for Sunday dinner.”

“So it’s really happening, huh?”

“It appears so.”

He nods a few times as though he’s soaking in this new information. “Where are we going to live?”

“Let me handle all those details. I’ll let you know as soon as we discuss it.”

“I’d like to move to his place. It’s probably fancier than ours. He has lots of money.”