Her whole body sank into the bed, and the weight of all the Manhattan skyscrapers crumbled on top of me. How could I do this to her? My eyes flickered to a picture of Ryder when he was six, playing on the same beach we’d made love on last night. He was with Val but smiling at whoever was holding the camera—Max, I assumed.

“I’m sorry if you thought different,” I said.

“Get out,” she seethed through gritted teeth.

I rose from the bed, every footstep feeling as though I’d added another pound of cement to my shoes. After throwing on my T-shirt, I grabbed my bag, leaving behind any toiletries. If I didn’t get out of there fast, I’d lose my nerve and beg her forgiveness.

Max saw me with my bag, and I wanted to punch the cocky grin off his face. Instead, I slid into the kitchen and grabbed the jewelry box off the breakfast tray I’d prepared. I looked at the diamond ring I’d designed for her, the large oval diamond in the center and the diamonds on the band glittering in the morning sun and shut the box before shoving it into my bag.

Without a glance back, I walked out of Val’s house, leaving my entire heart inside.

I push back the memory because we’re not there anymore. I need to concentrate on the here and now, so I don’t lose my nerve.

“What happened with you and Max last year?” The question slips out. Though I shouldn’t care, I need to know.

She blinks. “What? Why?”

“Did you guys give it a shot?”

“We did. It was brief. Things were okay at first, but then Max’s true colors came out again. We kept it on the downlow and didn’t really go out in public so that Ryder wouldn’t find out about it in case it didn’t work out, thank goodness.” She puts her beer on the table and faces me. She stares at me for a moment, and I realize that she’s nervous.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want the annulment.”

A slow smile slips across my face. “Neither do I.”

My hand slides to the back of her neck, and I bring her lips to mine. That’s all I need right now. To know that just because Ryder is coming home, it doesn’t mean we’re over. I’ll take that for now.

I get her on her back, and she splays opens her legs. “For old time’s sake?” I nod at the couch, then my lips travel down her jaw and her throat, my hands unbuttoning her blouse.

“God yes.” She opens her legs wider and her hands pull at my shirt.

I devour her under me, stripping us bare, needing to be skin to skin with her. Her arms tighten around my torso and I guide myself into her, sinking into her wetness and warmth. She’s mine. She’s finally truly mine.

“I love you,” I murmur into her neck.

She freezes for a moment, her legs losing their pressure against my hips. She tightens them again, puts her hands on either side of my face, and maneuvers me so I’m staring into her eyes. “I love you… always have.”

I crash my lips to hers, my hands greedy and my pace chaotic, but I can’t get enough of her. I’m mid-thrust when the sound of a key entering the door makes me freeze. She pushes me off of her, but we’re not fast enough.

“Mom!” Ryder screams, seeing the two of us naked on the couch.

“Great example, Val.”

Max follows him in, and I grab the blanket from the back of the couch and toss it to her. The last person who will see her naked again is Max.