We walk down the block, past the houses of my childhood friends. It’s crazy how small town a borough of New York can feel, but some parts of Carroll Gardens make me feel so welcome, I wonder why I was so hellbent on getting the hell out of here.

“So, are you excited to have a baby brother or sister?” I ask Gia.

“Brother, and no.”

“Why not? I love my brothers and my sister.”

“Because he’ll get all the attention. Like when my other brothers were born. No one will be at my recital.”

We reach the house in question and I glance at her. “I’ll come.”

She stops at the bottom of the stairs to her grandparents’ house. I remember hanging around these stairs when we were younger. Val was always over here. My buddy Pauly was head over heels for Lulu, and everyone knew I couldn’t stay away from Val.


“Yeah.” I shrug. I wasn’t planning on staying, but what can it hurt? I understand why Gia might be acting out. Ma still tells the story about Enzo and me running away when Carm was born. It’s like we knew what was coming.

“Oh yeah!” Her small hands dig into the plastic bag. “This is for you.”

She hands me the smiley face cookie she picked out. It took the lady pointing to five different ones before Gia settled on this particular cookie, so I know I’ve been granted a rare honor in her world.

“Thank you.”

She picks up the bag. “I don’t care what my mommy says about you. You’re okay in my book.”

I chuckle, escorting her up the stairs. I can only imagine what she’s overheard.

The door opens, and there stands Lulu’s ma. If you put the three of them side by side, it’d look like one person’s progression of age. Scary.

“Hi, Dominic,” she says, staring at my cookie.

Lulu’s ma has always liked me.

“Hi, Mrs. Milano.” I kiss her cheeks and step back. “I assume you heard the news?”

“We did. We were going to sneak over there before the recital, sounds like we should have time. She’s not dilated enough to push yet. Vin is stuck in traffic, and poor Val is having to deal with Lucia.” She widens her eyes because we both know what her daughter can be like.

“Nonno, I got cookies,” Gia screams into the house.

“Would you like me to keep Gia?” I ask. This is the polite Italian boy in me rearing his head. The one who has no experience with a child.

“Really?” Mrs. Milano’s eyebrows raise.


I mentally calculate the distance to my mother’s house. “Well… sure.”

“You’re a lifesaver. I’d hate for a grandchild to be born without any family there. I mean, Val is like family, but she’s not blood.” She squeezes my arm. “You’re an angel.” She turns her head. “MARIO, GET YOUR SHOES ON, DOM’S TAKING GIA!”

Mr. Milano saunters to the door, cookie crumbs on his extended stomach. “Dom!” His deep voice booms through the house and into the open air. “Gia was just sharing the cookies. Thank you.”

I lower my head and offer my hand. “Congratulations on becoming a nonno again.”

“What are you waiting for? Get your shoes.” Mrs. Milano opens the closet door, pulls out her own shoes, and flings his to him. “Dom’s going to watch Gia.”

“Really?” He looks at me skeptically.

I’m with you, buddy.