Lulu jabs him in the arm. “Fucker. I’d like to see you carry this around for nine months. You’re not man enough.”

“True. I’m more than thankful the women get that job.”

Lulu’s eyes narrow. There’s no love lost right now, and I need to get her out of here before she has that kid on my expensive vinyl dance floor.

“Sorry, Dom, Lulu’s water broke. We need to get her to the hospital,” I interrupt.

His gaze shoots to the floor and back to me. I nod, and he jumps back a step.

“It’s not contagious.” Lulu waddles out of the studio after Gia.

“Do you want me to go with you?” he asks, concern in his tone.

I almost laugh, but I hold it in. “If you want, but I can handle it. Is that for me?” I eye the bakery bag and iced coffee.

He holds them out. “You didn’t eat this morning, and I know how you can be when there’s a performance. One of these days, you’re going to pass out.”

I smile at him.

The door opens, and Lulu steps back in with Gia’s hand in hers. “Hello! Let’s go!” Then she looks at me and shakes her head. “Don’t look at him like that.” She steps farther in and plucks the bakery bag out of my hand. “I need this because I won’t be able to eat once I get to the hospital.” She opens the bag to inspect the contents and smiles. “Sorry, Val, it’s your favorite chocolate coconut cupcake. I’ll repay you.”

“Cupcake!” Gia screams. “I want one.”

“Ask the big guy. Who only brings one cupcake?”

Gia walks over to Dom, and he stares at me as if he’s asking me what to say. I shrug.

“I know I’m pretty lax, but I’m like a leaking faucet over here,” Lulu says.

“Oh, right.” I take Gia’s hand. “I’ll take you for a treat after the hospital.”

Gia throws her head back and her body goes limp. “He’s ruining my life. First, my recital and now I can’t get a cupcake.”

I pull, but she digs her heels into the floor.

“Gia,” Lulu says. “Let’s go.”

“I want a cupcake!”

I blow out a breath and stare at Dom. Why didn’t he bring two?

Lulu hands the bag to her. “Here.”

Now I’ve had it.

“No.” I snatch it before Gia can and hand it back to Lulu. “You’re eating the cupcake.”

“Auntie Val!” Gia yells, and Dom rears back again.

“Gia, your mom is about to have a baby. You can eat something at Nonna’s. If you’re really good, I’ll go to the cupcake shop and pick you up one after. That’s the end of the discussion. Go outside with your mom. We’re going to drop you off, then we’re going to the hospital. I don’t want to hear one more word from you.”

Gia tries to intimidate me with mean-spirited eyes, but I stand my ground and she stomps out of the studio again.

“Okay, so I’m gonna tag you in for all mother duties for a bit.” Lulu laughs and looks at Dom. “Is she this bossy in bed?” Without waiting for an answer, she walks out.

“Are you coming?” I ask.

Dom’s face is white, but he surprises me when he says, “You go to the hospital. I’ll take Gia to Lulu’s parent’s. Same house?”