“This is like déjà vu, am I right?” Carm laughs.

“I’m busy.”

“I can see that. First I want to thank you for putting pants on this time.”

“Get to the point.” Dom’s impatience has me holding back a smile.

“Luca can’t dance.”

Now I do smile. He probably can but thinks he can’t. Men are so weird about dancing, whereas most women I know go out there and do their own thing.

“And why does that concern me? All he has to do is hold her and spin in a circle.”

I shake my head.

“I’m guessing Val is in there naked in bed?” Carm asks.

“You assume wrong.”

“Okay, sure. You’re standing here smelling like sex, but she’s not in there?”

I hear a scuffle, then Carm is standing in front of the bed with his eyes covered. I pull the sheet up over me.

“Carm!” Dom scolds. “What the fuck? What if I did this to you?”

“I’m sorry,” Carm says, turning around with his eyes covered. “It’s an emergency.”

“We’re busy.” Dom digs through my suitcase and tosses me the pajamas I should’ve been wearing.

“He’s your cousin. It’s his wedding. We can’t leave him hanging.”

“Luca doesn’t seem like a guy who can’t dance,” I say.

“Can I look now?”

I get up off the bed and shimmy on my shorts. “Go ahead and turn around.”

Carm does, but his gaze scatters over the room. “I was expecting clothes hanging off the lights and condom wrappers everywhere.”

“Talk, Carm,” Dom snaps, and I laugh.

“Sorry, jeez.” Carm’s eyes set on me. “Val, how long would it take to teach Luca?”

I shrug. “What’s he looking for? Just a basic box step? It depends how fast he can keep it up. Plus, I’m not a ballroom dancer.”

“You’re the best we got.” He inspects a chair before sitting down.

“Don’t sit down,” Dom says.

I smile at him. Carm narrows his eyes. I always did love their relationship. It’s amusing to watch.

“Relax, big guy, it’s like a second. You’ll get your orgasm this morning. Won’t he, Val?”

I ignore his question. “Let me eat breakfast. Is he here at the hotel before the wedding?”

“He’s at his parents’ house. The church is over that way.”

I nod. I didn’t mind the idea of spending the day in bed with Dom, but the distraction is probably good. “Okay. Tell him we’ll be there mid-morning.”