“I’m in Brooklyn.”

“You’re where? It’s Monday. You usually beat me here.” There’s an impatience I’ve never heard in her tone.

I look at the mess and at Mrs. Cavallo telling the story to the customer. The tears leaking from her eyes. She looks so much like her daughter, it’s scary. If I want to know what Val will look like in twenty-five years, I do.

“I’m going to have to reschedule. See if you can set it up for tomorrow. My hands are tied.”

She huffs. “You want me to go in there and tell them what?”

“Tell them I’m sick or that I have a family emergency. Yeah, just say family emergency.”

“So lie.”

I push a hand through my hair. “Not really. It’s Val’s parents’ store with the problem and Val’s my wife, so it’s family. Not a lie.”

“You mean I’m not lying so you can screw some random chick all day? You’re not coming in because you’re helping someone?”

The surprise in her tone pisses me off. Just because I’m a workaholic doesn’t mean I’m a complete asshole. “Yes. There was a plumbing issue and I have to help them figure this out. Val had an important meeting and—”

“Say no more. I’ll handle it. I’m sure everyone will understand.”

“Thanks?” A second ago, it sounded like she wanted to rake me over the coals.

“You’re welcome. Now go help your in-laws. I’ll call if anything else arises.”

“Thanks a lot, Ash.”

“It’s what assistants are for.”

She hangs up, and I tuck the phone into my slacks before taking off my jacket and laying it over a bag of chips. My phone vibrates again as I roll up the sleeves of my expensive shirt. I pull it out and see that it’s Val.

Val: How bad is it? I can come.

Val: I’ll reschedule. This isn’t your problem.

Val: I should’ve just canceled the meeting.

I shake my head because this is Val. She hates inconveniencing people, yet she’s the first one to inconvenience herself if someone else needs her help.

Me: Not bad. I’m good to handle it. Just worry about your meeting.

Val: Are you sure? Ma said something about the drywall falling and food being destroyed?

Me: Just an over-exaggeration. You know our mas. I’ll probably only be an hour late to work. Good luck with your meeting.

Val: Oh good. Thanks again. I owe you one.

Me: Can I put in a request? ;)

She doesn’t respond and I didn’t expect her to, but I can’t stop making sexual innuendos because sex with Val is the only thing on my damn mind. I want her any way I can have her, and the longer I live with her, the more I crave her. Lately, I see no way of getting out of this without destroying either my dick or us.