
By the time dinner is over, I want to go home and pass out. The emotional drain of pretending Val and I are a happy couple is wearing on me. The only bonus of the situation is being able to touch Val whenever and wherever I want.

After saying our goodbyes, we head back to the subway station. We walk past the alley where I pressed her against the brick wall on the way over. I wanted to smash my lips to hers after divulging that she’s my one. The one I was meant for but am still not good enough for. Because until I know with certainty that I can give her exactly what will make her happy, there’s no future for us. I’ll never break her like Max did.

Heading down the steps of the Carroll Street station, I take her hand. Not for appearance’s sake but because I’ve grown used to touching her and I’ll use the excuse while I can.

After we sit down on the subway train, she rubs her knee absentmindedly.

“Come here.” I pat my leg.

“No. It’s fine.”

I slide her legs over my lap. She doesn’t protest but shifts so that she can lean back. The silky fabric of her dress restricts me from using my thumbs and digging into where she needs relief, so I slide one hand under the hem of her dress, judging if she’s okay with it. She says nothing, so I continue with my second hand, keeping one on her knee for stability and one for massaging.

“It’s funny when you think about it,” she says with her eyes closed.

“What is?”

“How many people hate their in-laws and vice versa? Here we are with both parents pushing us together.” Her giggle turns into a moan when I press on a sensitive spot.


“Circumstances aside, it’s nice the way your family kind of pulls mine in. Mama is so happy to be part of a bigger family again. With everyone back in Florence, it’s been hard on her over the years. I haven’t seen her as happy as she was today cooking with your mama and aunts, in a long time.” A small smile forms on her lips. “I wish she could really have that.”

“You know my family. Bigger is better.”

“Thank you. Even if Ma only gets to experience it for a short time. I just… it was nice is all.”

I’ve never thought much about the fact that a lot of my family from Italy is over here. Val’s family is small, and with her parents running the corner grocery store, they aren’t able to get back to Italy very often. I take it for granted that I have so many loved ones surrounding me.

“You know they’re always welcome. My parents have an open door.”

“We both know that once we announce the end of our matrimonial bliss, that’ll be done. It would be weird if either of us ever marry again.”

The thought of her with someone else is like swallowing glass, but I respond how I should. “Then I guess you have to find yourself a man with a big Italian family.”

She opens her eyes and stares at me for a second, then slides her legs off my lap. “Thank you.”

I’m pretty sure I saw a flash of hurt in her expression, but we’ve been over this. We’ve tried how many times to be together? And every time we’ve failed. She can’t possibly agree with everyone else that it’s some sign that we ended up married.

Our stop is announced, and I exhale a breath of relief. Conversation over.

Pretty soon we have to address the elephant in the room, but I’m going to toss a blanket over it for tonight because I need to get myself under control. Being this close to her all the time makes it hard to think. I’ve always been a practical guy who weighs risk against reward—that’s basically my job as a trader. But at this point, my dick is going to overrule common sense soon.

* * *

I wakeup on Monday morning to overhear Val talking to someone on the phone.

“I have a meeting with a guy on Broadway about some dance instruction for his new musical this morning. I can come over right after… Mama, calm down. I’ll call someone.”

I walk out of my bedroom, rubbing my eyes. I’m an early riser, but I swear it’s still dark outside. I lean my shoulder on her bedroom door. “What’s going on?”

“Sorry.” Her eyes widen when she sees me. “Mama, I gotta go. I’ll call someone.”

She clicks her phone off. She’s wearing a cute silk shorts-and-cami pajama set and her nipples are poking through the thin fabric. Her eyes dive down my bare chest and shit… yeah… I’m fucking hard.