
Imight be the only person who comes into work on Monday morning in a good mood. I’m usually happy to start a new work week, but today my mood is soured because my first line of business is calling a lawyer. A divorce attorney, to be exact. Whether they’re any good is a mystery because I can’t ask for a referral from someone. Which leaves my fate in the hands of Google.

I press the button on my phone that connects directly to my assistant’s. “Ash, hold my calls.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Mancini.”

Ash is a professional. I could ask her for a referral, but I can’t take the chance of this getting out.

I pick up the phone and dial the number on my computer screen. The ad looks professional and the reviews are mostly positive. A receptionist answers and puts me on hold before I can get a word in. I hang tight while listening to the music, leaning back in my chair. I grow impatient after a minute or so, and my gaze wanders to my office window, where I see my co-worker Nell approaching.

My eyes catch hers, and a small smirk tilts the corners of her lips. She takes liberties with the dress code here. I’m surprised HR hasn’t spoken to her yet about her short skirts and blouses that dip too far down. She’s flirtatious and doesn’t play hard to get if you get my drift.

She stops in front of Ash, who probably knows exactly what’s transpired between the two of us since she’s my assistant and smarter than most. I see Nell’s curves and sultry demeanor and all I can think of is Valentina. She’d never carry herself like Nell. Whether that’s good or bad, I don’t know, though my gut says it’s a good thing.

The timer on my phone says I’ve been waiting a few minutes now. Any company who keeps me waiting that long can forget my business.

I hang up as Nell bypasses Ash, walking into my office uninvited. Ash stands, obviously saying something to Nell, but I raise my hand that it’s okay. Nell shuts my office door behind her and stands there as if she’s my favorite vice and ready to tempt me.

“How was Vegas?” she asks.

I’m not immune to Ash’s displeasure as she slowly turns around and sits at her desk. She’s judging us both.

I lean back in my chair. “Good.”

“Miss me?” She swings her hips, placing one leg in front of the other until she reaches my desk. It’s seductive, but something feels different from when I saw her last week.

“It was a bachelor party in Vegas. I was shoulder-deep in strippers.” I laugh it off because truth is that I didn’t think of Nell once while I was away. Shitty, I’m aware.

“And none of them made you wish I was with you? Maybe I could have given you a lap dance with the stripper.” She sits in the chair in front of me, crossing her legs and arching her back.

“I didn’t get a lap dance.”

Yeah, I’m dodging.

“You’re making me sad.” She puts on a frown to match her baby voice.

I did find this appealing at some point, right? “Sorry, I’m swamped with work, what with taking some time off. Don’t have time to chat.”

Her gaze scours my body for a sign that I’m interested. I’m not at the moment because I have to figure out how to get unmarried before I entertain sleeping with Nell again. If that’s even something I want to do.

“My place tonight?” she asks.

“Can’t. Work. But later this week maybe.” I can get a quickie divorce by Friday, right?

“Don’t play cat and mouse with me, Dom. I don’t do the chasing.” She stands and exits my office, swaying her hips so hard I’m surprised she doesn’t need to make a chiropractor’s appointment.

I’m dialing the next divorce attorney with a high rating on Google when my cell phone rings. Valentina. I hang up my office phone, walk over to my office door and shut it, then swipe my finger across the screen.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Hey.” Her soft voice holds a hitch as though she’s upset. Unfortunately, I can probably decipher when she’s upset easier than when she’s happy. But that comes from trying to be her savior most of my life.

“What’s wrong?” I sit back down in my chair.

“Other than the fact that we got married this weekend and I’ve spent all morning trying to find out if we can claim drunken ignorance and get this annulled rather than get an actual divorce?”