
“You don’t know who this man is?” the police officer asks.

A female police officer is talking to Bella across the hall in my office so they can get her to open up away from the scene.

“No. I don’t think he works in the building.”

The man is on a stretcher, and the paramedics carry him away with an ice pack over his nose.

“We’ll be following him to the hospital and press charges then. And your relation to Miss Scott?” He poises his pen over his pad of paper.

“Boyfriend.” I push my bloody hands through my hair.

“Not that I’d blame you, but it’s a good thing you didn’t kill him.” He jots something else on his notepad and walks toward the door. “I’ll see you both down at the hospital.”

The detective leaves, and I walk away from the guy taking photographs of the scene. When I enter my own office, I see that Bella is still rocking.

The female detective sees me and ushers me back into the hall. “We need to get her to the hospital. Usually we’d drive her, but why don’t you? This is common in repeat instances. She’s lost somewhere between the first time and this time. She gave me enough to know he didn’t penetrate her, so that’s a good sign, but we want the DNA from her fingernails and to take pictures of any bruises and lacerations.”

“Okay,” I croak, since the words repeat instances are flashing like a neon sign in my head.

“We’re heading to Memorial. Please come soon. Time is of the essence.”

I nod and watch her and the other detective leave. Before grabbing Bella, I call down the hall to the officers. “Since her purse is still in her desk drawer, am I allowed to take it and her jacket?”

The officer nods. After I retrieve them, I head back into my office. Bella is still staring at nothing. No tears, no anger, no fear. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, and it scares me.

“Bella, we have to go to the hospital,” I say in a soft voice.

“Okay.” She stands and heads over to me.

She allows me to escort her down the elevator and into the car I called. She’s quiet and reserved.

“Do you want me to call your mom or Evie?” I ask once we’re secured in the back seat.

“No. I’ll be fine.”

“Bella?” I reach for her, but she retracts her hand.

“Don’t touch me.”

I pull back, trying not to show that I’m upset she won’t let me comfort her. Her gaze lands on mine, and she must see the pain of wanting to do something there.

“The DNA. I don’t want to mess any of it up. Better if I just sit still until they do what they need to.” She’s so matter-of-fact.

“Bella, the detective…”

Tears fill her eyes. “Can we talk after?”


“Will you take me home after?” she asks.

“Of course.” I want to say more, but I have no idea what. I’m so out of my element here.

She nods. “Thanks.”