
“Iwarned you this would happen.” Enzo sits across my desk from me, his ankle propped up on his knee, relaxed with a smug expression.

Screw him.

“Thanks for throwing salt in the wound.”

He holds up his hands. “I’m just saying. You lie about stupid shit, and now you got caught and ruined what was starting to form between the two of you.”

I stare at him then look back at my computer to distract me from punching him in the throat just to shut him up. “You can stop with the lecture. I feel like shit enough. And just so you know, it’s not all me. She wasn’t all in. She was holding things back from me too.”

He blows out an annoyed breath. “Did you ever think that maybe you didn’t allow her the safe space to entrust you with whatever happened? When you’re dating, it’s called discovering each other. You don’t write down every fear you have and go through it like a checklist.”

I’ll give him that one. But it doesn’t negate the fact that she didn’t feel like she could share whatever it was with me—especially when other people obviously know.

“She’s not going to come running back to you with your new look. You out of razors?”

I run my hand down my short beard. “I like it. I’m gonna keep it.”

“It looks like shit.”

“Thanks. Way to boost me up, brother.”

He drops his foot to the floor and leans forward, resting his forearms on his thighs, then he places a small box on my desk.

I stare at it. “Are you crazy? I’m not proposing. I get that you got me to see that I want an actual relationship with her, but a ring?”

“Open the box. It’s not for you to give Bella. Jesus, is lack of sleep affecting your intelligence?”

I open the box, and there rests a huge diamond on a silver band. It’s round and traditional and somehow fits Annie perfectly.

“I’m asking her this weekend. Mae and Evie are going to the Brits’ party. Dom told me he’ll make himself scarce. Even though Annie’s over at Bella’s trying to convince her to come this weekend, I’m telling you not to.” He picks up the box and shuts it with a loud clap. “It’s funny though.” He plays with the box, staring at it. “I can’t help but think this moment would’ve never come if someone didn’t give me a piece of advice when I thought I’d lost her.”

I lean back in my seat, taking the bait.

“My younger brother told me to fight. That I was Enzo Mancini, and I had to fight for the love of my life if I wanted her back. That sitting on my ass being scared wasn’t the right move.” He stands and tucks the box into the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

I lace my hands behind my head. “Words of wisdom, huh?”

He shakes his head, his hand on the doorknob. “Just telling you to keep your ass out of the Hamptons this weekend, that’s all. Oh, and thank you for kicking my ass when I needed it because otherwise, I would never be what I am today—one lucky bastard.” He walks out of my office then peeks back in. “And stop cockblocking your assistant.”

Justin returns to his desk with a stack of brochures for a new listing. There’s no smile or pep in his step.

Yeah, that was a douche move on my part, I’ll give my brother that one.

“Justin!” He walks in, and before he can say anything, I say, “Go ahead and bang Max. I don’t care. Your job isn’t on the line.”

“Okkkaaayy,” he says.

“Did you really cut her off?” I ask.

“Well, I can’t lose my job and Max is wishy-washy sometimes, so I had to make the secure choice and that was the job. But if I really cared and thought she did, I would’ve told you to fuck yourself.”

I chuckle, and the truest smile I’ve felt all week reaches my eyes. “Good man.”

I bury my head in my work for the next few hours, but Enzo’s words run on repeat in my head. I’m Carmelo Mancini, the man who takes chances others don’t and doesn’t admit defeat. I go after what I want until I get it. I’m not afraid to lose because I’m always right.