
I’m first to arrive at the Trading Post, which is a first in all the years we’ve been meeting here for lunch.

Our usual waitress, Kate, approaches me. “Surprised to see you here so early.”

The best I can do is give her a wane smile. I know she’s used to seeing us for lunch, but this is an emergency and can’t wait a couple of days.

“Stella?” she asks.

“Jack and Coke,” I answer without thinking.

Her eyebrows pull together, but she nods and disappears.

My fingers tap on the table while I wait, my mind whirling with the fierceness of a tornado winding up to an F-5 level.

Kate brings over my drink and slides into the seat across from me. The restaurant isn’t busy since it’s only ten forty-five and lunch service hasn’t started yet. She places the drink in front of me. I stir the straw twice, lick it clean, and place it on my napkin before taking a sip. After I down a third of it, I realize she’s still sitting across from me.

“What’s up?” I ask.

Her finger follows the grain of the lacquered wood table, her eyes following her finger’s path. “I think it’s pretty clear, don’t you?”

Fuck. Not now.

“What is?” I ask, feigning ignorance.

“The fact that I’ve been throwing myself at you for the past year. Hell, I cut you deals, I’ve given you my phone number, I’ve asked you to share a ride with me. So I’m just going to put it out there… do you want to get together sometime?” Her blue eyes stare at me through her long dark lashes.

I’m going to hurt her. Might as well start a line in front of me of women who want to kick me in the balls at this point. “I’m sorry, Kate, but I’m kind of in a situation right now.”

“Situation? You mean relationship?” Her lips are already pulling down at the corners.

I hate causing someone sadness. “I mean… well, I don’t know what I mean, but we’re in agreement not to be with other people.”

“Sounds like a relationship to me.” She slides out of the chair.

“I think you’re great and I’m sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea.”

But she’s already a step away from the table, her eyes on the door where I see Dom entering and heading our way. “No. It’s fine. I should’ve taken the hints.” She smiles at my older brother. “Hey, Dom, I’ll be right back with your drink.”

“Thanks, Kate, and can you put in an order for mac and cheese? I’m in a hurry.”

“Sure thing.” She diverts any eye contact away from me and disappears back down the hallway.

“What did you do? She looks like Blanca did when we told her the Easter Bunny wasn’t real.” Dom takes his usual seat to my right.

“She asked me out and I turned her down.” I down another third of my Jack and Coke.

“What are you drinking?” His expression reads, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Jack and Coke.”

“Just like college.”

I shrug, wanting him to shut up.

“Anyway, why are we here?” He looks toward the door, probably for Enzo.