Me: I don’t want Annie involved.

The three dots appear and disappear. Please don’t be a codependent douche right now.

Enzo: Meet me at the Trading Post. Dom?

Me: No. Just us.

Enzo: I’ll be there in a half hour.

After I place my phone down, I second-guess myself and pick it back up. I need Dom’s opinion too.

Me: I have a problem. Meet me and Enzo at the Trading Post in a half hour.

Dom: It’s ten-thirty in the morning. If I’m making it to the Hamptons this weekend, then I have to work.

Me: It’s an hour and since when do I ask for much?

I can almost see him sighing at my request.

Dom: Fine.

I tuck my phone away as Greg hangs up.

“Sorry about that. Okay, well, I’m going to call Bella and settle that. Linda said she’d follow up with her later this afternoon to make sure she’s okay.” He pulls out some bills, sets them on the table, and slides out his chair.

I stand as well. “Well, I appreciate the opportunity. I won’t let you down.” I put out my hand and he shakes it.

“I think we’re going to make each other very rich, Carm. Well, I’ll just get richer than I already am.” He winks and walks away from the table.

Everything runs through my brain at warp speed and I realize what needs to be done. “Greg?” He stops at the hostess station and I walk over to him. “Can you give me an hour before you call Bella?”

The expression of “I knew you were fucking her” crosses his face, but he nods. “Sure.”


As soon as I climb into the cab, I pray I can get this handled so she at least has someone there for her after Greg breaks the news. I’m not the one who should help her when I profited from her loss.