She presses her finger to my lips, and the man slides the box from under my palm. From my peripheral, I see him putting them back. He must be familiar with this scenario and know that I’m going to listen to her and lose this fight.

“It’d mean a lot to me if I bought them for myself.”

My shoulders sag, but I nod. She smiles, and to see that grin, I’d decline purchasing her a gift all over again.


“Thank you.” She glances around, checking to make sure Enzo and Annie aren’t anywhere around, and raises on her tiptoes, replacing her finger with her lips. “I’ll let you buy me an ice cream though.”

“Double scoop?”

“Triple.” She winks.

I follow her out the door of the antique store, disappointed she fought me on the purchase. I’ve never had a woman tell me no before. And I didn’t even mind being told what to do.

Shit, maybe Enzo has a point.

* * *

After a full dayof shopping in the Hamptons, I’m ready for a nap, but the other three have made plans for a cook-out.

“I’m going to make my mom’s famous chocolate chip cookies, then we’ll pair them with ice cream.” Bella places all the ingredients we bought at the store on the counter and searches for something on her phone.

“How about I just eat you?”

It’s been a whole day since I’ve been able to really be with her. I sneaked in some kisses and touches here and there, but Bella’s not about the PDA in front of our friends and family even though I’m pretty sure everyone has figured out what’s going on between us. Which is anybody’s guess really.

“How about you help now and then tonight you can eat me?”

I slide my hand up her shorts, push her underwear to the side, and hook my finger into her depths. She raises onto her tiptoes, and I swallow her surprise with a kiss. Her head falls back and circles when I add another finger.

“Want to renegotiate?” I arch an eyebrow.

“Do you want help with the cookies?” Annie barrels in.

Bella pushes me off her so fast, I spin around and almost fall to the floor. “Nope. Carm is going to help me as soon as he washes his hands.”

I take the hint and turn to the sink to do as she says, my back to them.

“Okay, then I think I’m going to join Enzo for a short nap. I texted Mae and she said she and Evie are staying with the Brits. And Dom? Who knows?” I hear the annoyance in Annie’s tone. She doesn’t like to be out of the loop, and whatever or whoever Dom’s doing while he’s in the Hamptons, he’s not telling a soul.

“Sounds good,” Bella says.

Annie disappears and I dry my hands, coming up behind Bella at the counter.

“What do you need me to do?” I unbutton her shorts and lower the zipper.

“Carm,” she sighs. Not a great plan on her part because she should know that when she says my name like that, I’m instantly hard. “Hands to yourself.” She smacks my hands but turns around. “Let me teach you how to make these, then maybe you’ll get lucky and can give me a massage.”

“What about you giving me a massage?”

She’s adding ingredients into a big bowl and hands me the wooden spoon. “You can do the muscle work.”

“I do like to use my muscles. One in particular.”

She hip-checks me and dumps a big pile of flour in with the butter, sugar, and eggs. “Do you ever cook or bake?”

“Not really. Ma really took care of all that when I was growing up, but now we all find somewhere to help in the kitchen during our Sunday dinners. Annie’s influence.” I mix the flour, my forearms straining as she continues to toss in other ingredients.