
It’s been two weeks since I almost attached myself like Velcro to Carm in the elevator. We’ve managed to be nice to one another while we’re sharing the Hamptons house, though he’s working a lot while he’s here. I try to gravitate toward the girls, except Mae and Evie have fallen in love with the British guys we met our first night, which leaves me with either Dom, who comes and goes at all times of the day and night, or the lovebirds, who are so wrapped up in one another it reminds me that I don’t want just a night of hot sex with Carm. I want what Enzo and Annie have. The solid foundation of a best friend and lover.

It’s thundering and lightning outside, which the weatherman did not predict. I’m nestled on the covered deck, watching the rain pelt the ocean and the pool and sipping a cup of tea.

Evie and Mae are off with their new boy toys. Annie and Enzo went to the store. Dom is wherever it is that Dom goes when we’re up here. Which leaves me alone with Carm somewhere in this house.

When the sliding glass door behind me opens, my heart rate increases. He’s coming out of hiding. Great.

“Shitty day. I should’ve stayed in the city.” The chair sliding from the table sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Or impending doom. Something like that.

I glance over to find him taking a seat with a beer in hand. He’s wearing shorts and an NYU sweatshirt.

“You went to NYU?” I ask. Anything to distract me from his tan, muscular legs lightly covered in dark hair. How opposite are we? I have to lather on coats of sunblock so I don’t burn, and this man looks as though he’s spent a lifetime in the Mediterranean and it’s only been a few weeks since we’ve gotten the house.

He glances at his sweatshirt. “Yeah. What about you?”

I shrug. “Columbia.”

He laughs and shakes his head.

“What?” I bring the mug to my lips.

“Figures. We’ve been rivals from the start.”

I nod, taking his word for it. I never did keep up with the sports teams.

“Where is everyone?” He looks around as though they’d be out playing in puddles like children.

“Out. Mae and Evie are with the Brits. No clue where Dom is, and Enzo and Annie went to the grocery store.” I sip my tea, and he pulls from his beer again.

The discomfort between us grows and I’m not even sure why it’s there. We’ve coexisted these last couple of weeks without any problems. But then again, we’ve both done our best to ignore one another.

“You’re going to find out anyway, so I wanted you to hear it from me…”

He doesn’t even have to finish his sentence for me to know he should be holding a glass of champagne instead of a bottle of beer. He’s been holed up in his room all day, and I overheard him schmoozing a client. The selfish part of me hoped it was for a property other than Bond Street.

“I sold one of the units.” Again, his beer bottle tips back and his gaze diverts out to the ocean beyond the pool and yard.

“Congratulations,” I mumble.

He shrugs. “I usually love competition. I thought I’d really enjoy competing against you, but it turns out not so much.”

I stand from the table and tuck in my chair. “It’s fine. Go ahead and gloat. I probably would if the roles were reversed.”

Taking my teacup, I open the screen door, but as I’m turning to shut it, Carm stands from the table and stalks over. His tall figure is almost intimidating. He’s so powerful, so in control of himself, but no part of me feels any real fear. “I’m not going to gloat or brag. It’s one unit out of eight. You could come back with two sold next week. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

I turn away from him and head into the kitchen, where I grab the kettle and set it on the stove again. Maybe I should do what Carm is doing and drink. Take a shot and calm this anxiety and anticipation that’s suddenly hijacked my body.

“I’ve had no inquiries. Do you know how much I’ve spent on advertising so far?” I shouldn’t give him the details, it’ll only increase his advantage over me.

“Tell me again why you chose FSBO?” He sits at the breakfast bar, taking a banana out of the fruit basket and opening it.

“I told you, I was sick of the game.”

He nods. “I ran into a buddy of mine. I guess the two of you used to work at the same office?”